In District 7, Malibu road gets de-rocked


For District 7 news story

State Route 23 (Decker Road) near Malibu had to close in October due to cliff-erosion debris. 

Photo by Alan Sharon, District 7

By Marc Bischoff
District 7 public information officer

The morning of Tuesday, October 11, a rockslide / landslide occurred from a steep slope at approximately Post Mile 1.5 on State Route 23 (Decker Road) in Malibu in Los Angeles County in Caltrans District 7.

The roadway was then closed for repairs from State Route 1 (Pacific Coast Highway) to Lechusa Road/Encinal Canyon Road from Friday, October 14, through Friday, November 4.

During that time, rock scalers and workers using a manlift, a front loader and large dump trucks removed loose rocks, boulders and dirt from the slope. Next the contractor completed drilling and installing anchors into the top of the slope to attach large segments of wire mesh to the slope to prevent future slides. The anchors were then tested for weight bearing capacity.

For District 7 news story

Crews spent three weeks making slope repairs so that the roadway could reopen in early November. 

Photo by Alan Sharon, District  7

Workers secured metal cables to the wire mesh and a large crane lifted and placed the mesh against the face of the slope. Rock scalers then attached the segments of mesh together along the face of the slope and secured the mesh to the anchors.

This project was supervised by the Caltrans District 7 Office of Geotechnical Design.

All residents with identification who live within the closed area had continual access to their homes throughout the closure. Encinal Canyon Road just to the east provided an excellent alternate route.