Hats Off

Loving the revamped Highway 101

Highway 101 near Carpinteria

U.S. Highway 101 in Santa Barbara

Photo courtesy of Brett's family

Note: The following email was sent to District 5 on by Josh Newman.

“I just wanted to send a note saying thanks and that I think you are great. 

“We drive the 101 here in Santa Barbara all the time.  It's our main street.   And it gets a little messy, and slow, and things shift.  Lanes move.  Pavement changes.  And then one day ... voila!  A brand-new road.  

“I know it's not done, but the six lanes in Carpenteria look beautiful.  

“And you do it without fanfare, no celebration.  Just lanes open, beautiful, and smooth as silk. 

“Thank you for all you do.  Nowhere is there less recognition for the outsized impact you have on our lives.  And I'm really grateful.  

“Oh and one more thing:  We got a mailing the other day that described what was happening and what was planned and that was also amazing.  So grateful that you are as competent and creative as you are.  Much appreciated.”

Maintenance crews hailed by Atascaderan

Note: The following letter was sent to District 5’s Nancy Cross and Carolyn Norris on July 11 by Gina Randise of Atascadero.

“I'm writing to thank the dedicated road maintenance workers for their efforts to improve the areas along the Highway 101 corridor in Atascadero. Their commitment and dedication to making the right-of-ways along both sides of the highway safer for travelers is greatly appreciated.

“We know the work is hard and very dangerous. It seems the workers have gone above and beyond to clear brush and debris along the highway in Atascadero.

“Please let the crews know that many of the citizens, they serve, do appreciate their hard work.”