Health & Safety

How to stay positive during challenging times

EAP graphic about staying positive

Stay positive!

Note: This story was produced by the California Department of Human Resources as part of its Employee Assistance Program.

When we experience positive emotions such as joy, satisfaction and happiness, we tend to be more confident and open to possibilities in our lives. But staying positive during tough times can be difficult.

Some psychologists believe that we’re hardwired to register and remember negative events more quickly and intensely than positive events. This is one reason why it’s all too easy to fall into a pattern of negative thinking and focus too much on our worries and fears.

Here are some ways to build happiness and increase positive emotions:

Learn and practice ways to manage stress. Uncontrolled stress can contribute to negative thinking, anxiety and depression. Practice deep breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques daily.

Ask for support from the people in your life who care about you. Strong connections with others contribute to emotional well-being.

Get enough sleep and exercise, and eat nutritious foods. Poor health habits can lead to negative feelings and imbalance.

Be of service to others. Research shows that volunteering increases happiness and self-confidence, relieves stress and can even improve your physical health.

Practice gratitude. Giving thanks for the good things in your life helps you feel more positive emotions and cope better with adversity.