State Route 62 Widen Shoulders and Install Rumble Strips

  • San Bernardino And Riverside County, California
  • District 08-SBD-62 (PM 41.0/41.5 AND 60.6/61.1)
  • DISTRICT 08-RIV-62 (PM 81.6/82.2)
  • EA 1E610/PN 0814000055

Project Description:

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to widen the outside shoulder of State Route 62 (SR-62) to eight feet in both directions and install ground-in rumble strips on the centerline and on the outside shoulders. The proposed project is located in a rural setting on SR- 62 at post miles (PM) 41 to 41.5 (Segment 1) and PM 60.6 to 61.1 (Segment 2) within San Bernardino County, and from PM 81.6 to 82.2 (Segment 3) in Riverside County. The project is within the Cadiz Valley Southeast, Valley Mountain, and Clarks Pass 7.5 minute U.S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangles.

Background and History:

The project was identified in the Roadway Departure Safety Implementation Plan (RDSIP). During the five-year period between March 1, 2006 and February 28, 2011, the RDSIP indicates the majority of collisions along the three project segments consisted of run-off-the-road-type collisions. The occurrence of these accidents caused these stretches of highway to be identified as locations that need improvements to reduce the incidence and severity of accidents.

Purpose and Need:

The purpose of this project consists of reducing the number and severity of cross-centerline collisions on SR-62. The need for the project was identified in the RDSIP. During the five-year period between March 1, 2006 and February 28, 2011, the RDSIP indicates the majority of collisions along the three project segments consisted of run-off-the-road-type collisions. The occurrence of these accidents caused these stretches of highway to be identified as locations that need improvements to reduce the incidence and severity of accidents.