Interstate 15 Interchange Reconstruction

Interstate 15 Interchange Reconstruction (PDF)

Table of Contents

Interstate 15 Interchange Reconstruction

Chapter 1. Proposed Project

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Background

1.2 Purpose and Need

1.2.1 Non-Standard Features and Operational Deficiencies

1.2.2 Capacity, Level of Service, Transportation Demand, and Safety

1.3 Project Description

1.4 Alternatives

1.4.1 No Build Alternative (Alternative 1)

1.4.2 Build Alternative (Preferred Alternative): Proposed Interchange Reconstruction (Alternative 2)

1.4.3 Identification of a Preferred Alternative

1.4.4 Alternatives Eliminated from further Consideration

1.5 Permits and Approvals Needed

Chapter 2. Affected Environment, Environmental Consequence, and Avoidance, Minimization and/or Mitigation Measures

2.1 Human Environment

2.1.1 Existing and Future Land Use

2.1.2 Consistency with State, Regional, and Local Plans and Programs

2.1.3 Parks and Recreation

2.1.4 Growth

2.1.5 Farmlands

2.1.6 Community Impacts

2.1.7 Relocations

2.1.8 Environmental Justice

2.1.9 Utilities/Emergency Services

2.1.10 Traffic and Transportation/Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities

2.1.11 Visual/Aesthetics

2.1.12 Cultural Resources

2.2 Physical Environment

2.2.1 Hydrology and Floodplains

2.2.2 Water Quality and Stormwater Runoff

2.2.3 Geology/Soils/Seismic/Topography

2.2.4 Paleontology

2.2.5 Hazardous Waste/Materials

2.2.6 Air Quality

2.2.7 Noise

2.3 Biological Environment

2.3.1 Natural Communities

2.3.2 Wetlands and Other Waters

2.3.3 Plant Species

2.3.4 Animal Species

2.3.5 Threatened and Endangered Species

2.3.6 Invasive Species

2.4 Cumulative Impacts

2.4.1 Regulatory Setting

2.4.2 Environmental Consequences

2.5 Climate Change (CEQA)

2.5.1 Regulatory Setting

2.5.2 Affected Environment

Chapter 3. Comments and Coordination

3.1 Consultation and Coordination with Public Agencies

3.2 Public Participation

3.2.1 Public Information Meetings 

3.2.2 Public Circulation

Chapter 4. List of Preparers
Chapter 5. Distribution List


Appendix A - CEQA Checklist

Appendix B - Resources Evaluated Relative to the Requirements of Section 4(f)

Appendix C - Title VI Policy Statement

Appendix D - Summary of Relocation Benefits

Appendix E - Environmental Commitments Record

Appendix F - List of Acronyms

Appendix G - Air Quality Conformity Letters

Appendix H - Comments and Responses