SR-71 Expressway to Freeway Conversion Project

Location and Limits

In Pomona, between Mission Boulevard and the Los Angeles /San Bernardino County Line

The Project

SR-71 is a major regional highway transportation facility traversing parts of Los Angles, San Bernardino, and Riverside County. It is a connecting link for major east-west corridors passing through the area and serves as an inland passageway for interregional travel between San Diego and the easter portion of the Los Angeles area. The addition of the HOV lane will ensure that people are moving in a multi-modal way and reduce emissions to tackle climate change. With $43 million in SB-1 funding, this addresses a backlog of repairs and upgrades, while ensuring a cleaner and more sustainable travel network for the future. More importantly, this project commits to the direction of equity and comes with improving and expanding community partnerships, especially in underserved communities.


3.1 miles


Once completed the Project will improve mobility, access and connectivity; facilitate the implementation of a dedicated commuter bus route within the corridor to promote a mode shift from single occupancy vehicles to transit; encourage the formation of carpools and vanpools for commuters throughout the region; improve good/freight movement; enhance safety; reduce vehicle idling and emissions; and improve air quality for the surrounding communities.


Spring 2021 through Fall 2025

Concerned Communities


Total Programmed Project Costs

$174.544 Million


Q: What is SB 1?

A: Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, invests approximately $5 billion per year to fix roads, freeways and bridges in communities across California, as well as strategically investing in transit. To date, Caltrans has completed more than 100 SB 1 highway projects with nearly another 500 projects currently in the works statewide and many more to come after that. This includes repairing or replacing 115 bridges and paving nearly 1,500 lane miles of the state highway system. In the coming years, SB 1 improvements will be even more visible to the public, with many big projects soon to go out to bid. For example, in our current fiscal year 2019-20, $5.5 billion of new work from multiple funding sources including SB 1 — or $2.5 billion more than last year — will go out for bid. Caltrans is committed to conducting its business in a fully transparent manner and detailing its progress to the public. For complete SB1 Details.

Q: Will this project close the freeway at any time?

A: Some lanes may be closed in either direction or both directions simultaneously to facilitate a safe work zone for workers and motorists. At least one or two lanes in each direction will remain open for traffic while work is underway. For the latest road conditions, go to Caltrans Quickmap. All work is weather dependent and subject to change.

Q: What are the current closures for this project?

A: Permanent Closures:

  • W Pillips Drive
  • Old Pomona Road
  • N Ranch Road


Q: Will this project be noisy at night?

A: Residents and businesses near project areas will experience noise from construction related activities. Loud noise may be experienced during the project's demolition phase. Noise will dissipate as construction progresses from each location. Caltrans will monitor noise levels during construction to minimize the impact to local neighborhoods. If you experience excessive noise or dust related to this construction project, please contact Caltrans.

Q: When will the project start?

A: Spring 2021

Q: When is the project expected to be complete?

A: Fall 2025

Q: Who is the contractor?

A: OHL USA, Inc., of Irvine, CA is the contractor on this project.

Q: Can I receive previous information and future news releases for this project?

A: Yes, please contact Caltrans Public Affairs below and you will be added to the project distribution list.

Contact Information

To receive email updates about this project, contact the Caltrans representative shown below.

Peter Jones

Public Information Officer

Caltrans – District 7
Twitter @CaltransDist7