I-210 Connected Corridors Pilot Project

Location and Limits

In Los Angeles County on various regional arterial routes along I-210 between SR-134 and I-605.

The Project

The goal of the I-210 Pilot project is to reduce congestion and improve mobility in a section of the I-210 corridor in the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles County. This will be achieved by coordinating the principal elements in the corridor—the I-210 freeway, key surrounding arterials, supporting local transit services, and other relevant transportation modals—and managing them as an integrated and cohesive system.

The program is a collaborative effort to research, develop, test, and deploy a new framework for corridor management in California. It aims to change the way state and local transportation agencies, as well as any additional entity having a stake in the operation of transportation system elements, manage transportation challenges for years to come.


To help achieve its new multi-modal, multi-agency collaborative vision, Caltrans developed the Connected Corridors program in early 2012. The purpose of this program is to look at all opportunities to move people and goods within transportation corridors in the most efficient and safest manner possible, to ensure the greatest potential gains in operational performance across all relevant transportation systems. This includes seeking ways to improve how freeways, arterials, transit, and parking systems work together. Travel demand management strategies and agency collaboration are also actively considered.


The project will improve the traffic mobility and safety of the major regional arterial along the Interstate 210 corridor across multiple jurisdictions, and to develop and deploy a collaborative and integrated transportation management strategy to maximize all available infrastructure and transportation modes.

Benefits include:

  • Improve real-time monitoring of travel conditions within the corridor
  • Enable operators to better characterize travel patterns within the corridor and across systems
  • Provide predictive traffic and system performance capabilities
  • Evaluate alternative system management strategies and recommend desired courses of action in response to planned events, unscheduled events, and incidents
  • Improve decision-making by transportation system managers
  • Improve collaboration among agencies operating transportation systems within the corridor
  • Improve the utilization of existing infrastructures and systems
  • More efficiently use spare capacity to address non-recurring congestion
  • Reduce delays and travel times along freeways and arterials
  • Improve travel time reliability
  • Help reduce the number of collisions occurring along the corridor
  • Reduce the period during which the congestion resulting from an incident or event affects corridor operations
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Generate higher traveler satisfaction rates
  • Increase the overall livability of communities in and around the I-210 corridor

What the Work Involves

The project involves the integration of local jurisdiction traffic control systems and transit management systems, upgrades to various arterial signals, installation of vehicle detector stations, performance measure devices, communication lines, and cameras as well as the development of an advanced traveler information system.


The project is being led by Caltrans with assistance from LA Metro and California Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology (PATH) at UC Berkeley. The project involves a multi-jurisdictional partnership along the corridor with the county of Los Angeles, the cities of Pasadena, Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, the Southern California Association of Governments and Foothill Transit.


Construction Phase Begins: Spring 2020

Construction Phase Ends: Winter 2022/2023

Affected Communities: Arcadia, Duarte, Irwindale, Monrovia, and Pasadena

Total Programmed Project Costs: $6.4 Million


Q: Why is the project needed?

A: Southern California has the second-worst traffic in the country, behind Washington D.C. Recent studies show that commuters in the Los Angeles area spent on average 61 hours per year stuck in traffic in 2012, compared to 37 hours in 1982. In the past, government agencies across the country would have addressed the problem of urban congestion by widening highways; building new roads, tunnels, and bridges; and providing multimodal options where feasible, particularly for shorter urban trips. However, due to both financial and space constraints, the emphasis has now shifted from building new infrastructure to efficiently using what has already been built.

New technologies and more effective organizational cooperation can deliver a better traveler experience with minimal infrastructure changes. Transportation can use technology to improve the performance of existing infrastructures.

Q: Will this project close the freeway at any time?

A: There will be minor closures associate to this project on the freeway and city streets.

Q: Will this project be noisy at night?

A: Residents and businesses near project areas will experience noise from construction related activities. If you experience excessive noise or dust associated to this construction project, please contact Caltrans.

Q: What is a transportation corridor?

A: A transportation corridor is a largely linear geographic band in or near a population center and all the elements of surface transportation it contains, including freeways, city streets, bus and rail lines, waterways, bicycle and pedestrian pathways, and so on.

Q: What is Integrated Corridor Management (ICM)?

A: ICM is defined as treating the corridor as an overall system, however, it becomes possible to:

  • Take all elements in a corridor into account
  • Consider the capabilities and interdependencies of all elements
  • More efficiently use the corridor's existing capacities, making transportation investments go farther
  • Coordinate and manage the corridor's elements as an integrated system

The system is considered a total entity made up of people, organizations, hardware, and software. All these components must work together to achieve effective Integrated Corridor Management.

Q: When is the project expected to be complete?

A: Winter 2022/2023

Contact Information

Eric Menjivar
Public Information Officer

Jeremiah Teves
Public Information Officer

Twitter @CaltransDist7