U.S. 101 Pavement Rehabilitation Project
Location and Limits
In Ventura County, from Padre Juan Canyon overcrossing (near Faria Beach) to Punta Gorda pedestrian undercrossing (near Mussel Shoals).
The Project
The U.S. 101 Project will replace damaged pavement on two right lanes in each direction, repair shoulders, install new guardrails and concrete barriers, repave on- and off-ramps, and upgrade curb ramps where necessary to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Repaving the highway requires reducing a 4.3-mile section of U.S. 101 from three lanes to two lanes in each direction for the duration of the project. Construction will take place at night, generally 7 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday through Sunday, with two lanes open in each direction. The performance measures for this project are 21.8 lane miles.
This Pavement Rehabilitation project proposes to rehabilitate the existing pavement in Ventura County. The Pavement Condition Survey (PCS) Inventory indicated that the existing pavement has minor structural problems and needs pavement rehabilitation. A field investigation confirmed these findings. Nearly 75,000 motorists travel this stretch of U.S. 101 each day, including 3,700-plus heavy-duty trucks that put additional wear and tear on the pavement.
4.3 miles
The rehabilitation will smooth the roadway, extend the highway life by as many as 40 years and enhance traffic safety with highly reflective lane stripes and road markers.
Summer 2021 through Winter 2023/2024
Concerned Communities
Ventura, Mussel Shoals, La Conchita and Ventura County
Total Programmed Project Costs
$48 million project, including $5.5 million from Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017
Q: What is the U.S. 101 Pavement Rehabilitation Construction Project?
A: The U.S. 101 Project will replace damaged pavement on two right lanes in each direction from Padre Juan Canyon over-crossing to Punta Gorda pedestrian under-crossing in Ventura County to provide a service life of 40 years. The on- and off-ramps and adjacent shoulders also will be rehabilitated. Existing curbs ramps will be upgraded where necessary to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The performance measures for this project are 21.8 lane miles.
Q: Will this project close the freeway at any time?
A: Two lanes in each direction will remain open through the duration of the project, with an auxiliary lane incorporated to shift traffic patterns as needed during construction. NOTE: Special provisions allow the contractor, Granite Construction, to close lanes or ramps for extended periods as needed, including 55-hour weekend closures. For the latest road conditions, go to Quickmap Road Conditions. All work is weather dependent and subject to change.
Q: Will this project be noisy at night?
A: Noise levels near project areas will be the same level as ordinary freeway traffic and should not disturb neighborhoods nearby. Caltrans will monitor noise levels during construction to minimize the impact on local neighborhoods. If you experience excessive noise or dust related to this construction project, please contact Caltrans.
Q: What is SB 1?
A: Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, invests approximately $5 billion per year to fix roads, freeways, and bridges in communities across California, as well as strategically investing in transit. In the coming years, SB 1 improvements will be even more visible to the public, with many big projects soon to go out to bid. As of June 30, 2021, more than $15 Billion in SB 1 funding has been invested in transportation projects: $8.8 billion for state transportation projects for both Caltrans and local agencies throughout the state; $4 billion directly to cities and counties; and $2.7 billion directly to transit agencies. Caltrans is committed to conducting its business in a fully transparent manner and detailing its progress to the public. For complete SB1 Details.
Contact Information
To receive email updates about this project, contact the Caltrans representative shown below.
Jim Medina
Public Information Officer
Caltrans – District 7
Twitter @CaltransDist7