Corridor System Management Plans (CSMP) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is a Corridor System Management Plan (CSMP)?
Corridor System Management Plans (CSMPs) are plans to comprehensively manage and operate transportation corridors across jurisdictions and modes. The plans include all major transportation elements in the corridor, such as freeways, major parallel local arterials, transit, and rail. The goal is to maximize total corridor productivity and performance by providing the highest sustained throughput of people and goods, while considering all corridor elements.
2. Things that Corridor System Management Plans (CSMPs) are not:
CSMPs are not Projects in Development, Environmental Scoping Documents, Project Study Reports, and they will not contradict or supersede any voter approved projects.
3. Why are CSMPs developed?
CSMPs are required by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) for all corridors receiving Corridor Mobility Improvement Account (CMIA) and State Route 99 Bond funds from Proposition 1B. The intent of the CSMP is to preserve mobility gains from these bond project investments, and also maximize and sustain the broader and longer corridor throughput based on continued coordinated and integrated improvements on the freeway, parallel arterials, rail, and transit.
4. Who are the parties involved in a CSMP?
The development of the plans involves extensive collaboration with regional transportation partners, cities, counties, Tribal governments, and transit/rail operators.
5. What is the timeframe for completion of the CSMPs in District 6?
In District 6 we have completed four CSMPs on three different routes. CSMPs for two routes that recently received CMIA funds are now in development. A CSMP on a third route is nearing completion. This route has a project that is eligible for CMIA money, although the funding has not yet been awarded.
Completed CSMPs:
- Route 46 CSMP (PDF): the corridor limits are from the San Luis Obispo/Kern County line to Route 99 (Kern 46 - PM 0.0/57.8) in Kern County. Completed October 2008.
- Route 198 CSMP (PDF): the corridor limits are from the main gate at Lemoore Naval Air Station in Kings County through to the Kings/Tulare County line (Kings 198 - PM 3.0/28.3), ending at the 198/99 interchange in Tulare County (Tulare 198 - PM 0.0/3.835). Completed October 2008.
- Rural Route 99 CSMP (PDF): the corridor limits are from the City of Tulare through to the Tulare/Fresno County line (Tulare 99 - PM 23.3/53.94), ending at the City of Kingsburg (Fresno 99 - PM 0.0/1.0) in Fresno County. Completed November 2008.
- Fresno-Madera Urban Route 99 CSMP (PDF): begins near the southern Sphere Of Influence of the City of Fresno at American Avenue through to the Fresno/Madera County line (Fresno 99 - PM 9/30.9) ending at the Route 99/Route 152 interchange in Madera County (Madera 99 - PM 0.0/23.4). Completed April 2009.
- Route 58 CSMP (PDF): the corridor limits are from the San Luis Obispo/Kern County line (Kern 46 - PM 0.00 to the Kern/San Bernardino County line (Kern PM 143.86). Completed September 2011.
CSMPs nearing completion:
- Route 198 CSMP (PDF): The previous CSMP for Route 198 is being expanded to include a newly-funded CMIA project that was outside the limits of the previous document. The limits of the revised CSMP are from the Monterey/Fresno County line through Fresno County (FRE 198 - PM 0.00 – 42.73], to the Fresno/Kings County line through Kings County (KIN PM 0.00 – 28.32), to the Kings/Tulare County line into Tulare County (TUL PM 0.00 – 44.16), ending at the boundary with the Sequoia National Park. Anticipated completion date: April 2012.
New CSMPs:
- Route 180 CSMP: A project on Route 180 has received CMIA funding, necessitating development of a CSMP. The limits of this CSMP will be from the San Benito/Fresno County line through Fresno County (Fresno 0.0/109.53), briefly in Tulare County (Tulare – PM 0.0/1.3), back into Fresno County, and ending at Kings Canyon National Park (112.1/137.9). The section of Route 180 from the San Benito/Fresno County line to the junction of Route 198/33 in Mendota has not been constructed.
6. What are the expected impacts of a CSMP?
The CSMP is expected to result in a multi-jurisdictional project proposal for competitive funding opportunities, strengthened partnership for corridor management and operations, better problem identification, and relief to freeway, arterial, and transit/rail networks through a more efficient system operation.
7. What are the steps in the CSMP Development Process?
Eight milestones have been identified by the CTC and Caltrans for monitoring the timely development of the required CSMPs, namely: Define Corridor, Assemble Corridor Team, Preliminary Performance Assessment, Determine if there is Adequate Detection, Comprehensive Corridor Performance Assessment, Identify Causality of Corridor Performance Degradation, Develop Corridor Micro Simulation Model (for urbanized areas) and Test Improvement Scenarios and Develop a Corridor System Management Plan.
8. Where do the strategies originate?
The development of the strategies that will be presented in the final CSMP document is to be a collaborative process that includes all the stakeholder agencies involved in the project. Throughout the development of the technical analysis for the CSMP the agency partners will be asked to provide comments to the products being prepared as well as on the Corridor System Management Plan.
9.What is the adoption process for the CSMP?
The Metropolitan Planning Organizations will be utilizing whatever their normal process is for adoption and Caltrans will take the document to the District Director for a signature.
10. How will transit, rail and other modes be incorporated into the CSMP?
Bus, transit, rail, and other modes will be given consideration along with auto travel in the assessment of the corridor needs as well as in the formulation and evaluation of improvement options for the corridor.
11. Will CSMPs be updated on a regular basis?
Yes, the CSMP will be updated periodically. For instance, the document should be updated as projects are delivered or new projects proposed. At that point, it may be appropriate to modify the recommendations for the remaining projects.