Highway 101 San Antonio River Bridge Retrofit
Project Description
The project will strengthen the bridges to better withstand a future seismic event. The Bridge Structures that span the San Antonio River are at postmile R6.7, one mile south of Bradley.
Scope of Work
The scope of work will include the retrofit of:
- the hinges with pipe seat extenders and cable restrainers;
- the top and bottom of each pier with steel plates and threaded rods;
- the abutments, wing walls, and barrier railings:
- the slope paving, and rock slope protection.
Work will also include revegetation of areas disturbed by construction.
Permits and Approvals Required
Approval | Agency |
Project Funding | California Transportation Commission |
Section 1602 Agreement | California Department of Fish & Wildlife |
Section 401 Certification | Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board |
Section 404 Permit (Nationwide) | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Biological Opinion | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service |
Biological Opinion | National Marine Fisheries Service |
Proposed Schedule
Event | Date |
Environmental Approval | Fall 2018 |
Project Final Design | Spring 2020 |
Construction | Winter 2021- Summer 2022 |
Luis Duazo, Project Manager
Phone: (805) 542-4678
Email: luis.duazo@dot.ca.gov