Guerneville 116 Pedestrian Upgrades

                      Guerneville Pedestrian Upgrades along State Route 116

city street

Caltrans will begin a project in the summer of 2024 to upgrade sidewalks, replace traffic signals and add pedestrian beacons on State Route 116 in Guerneville between River Road and 4th Street.  Some patching of pavement will occur, but this is not a paving project. 

The improvements include replacing 23 curb ramps with ramps compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).  

Traffic signals at River Road and Highway 116 will be replaced. The sidewalk between River Road and Armstrong Woods Road will be widened at each light-pole to provide a clearance of 48-inches clearance. Driveways will be reconstructed to conform with the new sidewalks. 

To enhance pedestrian safety, Caltrans will install pedestrian hybrid beacons and curb extensions at intersections of SR-116 at Church and Mill streets.  The new pedestrian signals will be a High-Intensity Activated Cross Walk beacons (HAWK), which will alert motorists to the presence of pedestrians. 

Also, curb extensions or bulb-outs will be installed at several locations to slow down traffic, and to reduce the distance pedestrian must travel to cross the street. 

Being a pedestrian in Guerneville will be a safer, and more pleasant experience by the addition of ADA compliant curb ramps, wider sidewalks, upgraded traffic signals and, curb extensions and pedestrian beacons to accommodate pedestrians at busy intersections on SR-116.


Images and Maps

The images and maps below show examples and diagrams of improvements that will be made along Route 116, including a diagram of a curb extension, an example of an ADA-compliant curb ramp, an image of a pedestrian hybrid beacon and an explanation of its signals, and two maps showing the improvements that will be made during the project.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

      Curb Extensions slow traffic and reduce the distance pedestrian must travel to cross the street

ADA Compliant Curb Ramp            

    ADA Curbs with Texture





Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon on Sloat Boulevard in San Francisco            Pedestrian Hybrid Signals Explained


Exhibit 1 East End                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


Exhibit 2 West End


The project also involves upgrading the sidewalks and railings on the Fife Creek Bridge at the west end of town. The ends of the bridge will be detailed with a ledger rock design.

Fife Creek Bridge Upgrades