ea 0P760 factsheet 06302020
State Route 29, 37, 80, and 780
04-Sol-37- Various post miles EA 0P760
In Solano County at various locations
Project Description:
This project proposes to modify signals at five locations and install Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon systems (PHBs) at three intersections, 10 Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon systems (RRFBs), and 2 Advanced Warning Beacon systems (AWBs) before STOP signs at off-ramp termini.
High-visibility crosswalk markings, advanced yield lines with associated signs are also installed.
On SR-37, the Wilson Ave Off-ramp from EB SR-37 will be upgraded with 2 curb ramps, a refurbished passageway, refreshed crosswalks, and an RRFB system.
Purpose and Need:
The purpose of this project is to enhance traffic safety at uncontrolled intersections and ramp termini by installing RRFBs, PHBs, and AWBs.
Complete Environmental Phase – Summer 2022
Complete Design – Spring 2024
Begin Construction – Spring 2025