EA 2K740 Fact Sheet

State Route 37 Pavement Rehabilitation  
04-Mrn-37- PM R11.2/14.6    EA 2K740
From Ignacio Overhead to Petaluma River Bridge

EA 04-2K740 FactSheet 06302020

Project Description:
Rehabilitate of the mainline and ramps pavement within the project limits, correct the existing settlement at PM 13.04, replace metal beam guard rails with Midwest Guardrail systems, and upgrade curb ramps.

Purpose and Need:
The purpose of this project is to preserve and extend the life of the existing pavement and improve ride quality. The existing pavement exhibits distress, resulting in poor ride quality and potential pavement failure.
Caltrans Maintenance paved the distressed area every other year in the past few years in order to improve the ride smoothness.

Project Status and Schedule:
Begin Environmental Studies  - Fall 2020
Circulate Draft Environmental Document - March 30, 2022
Complete Environmental Phase - Fall 2022
Complete Design - Summer 2024
Begin Construction - Winter 2025