101 North CMCP - Join Our Public Webinar
US 101 North Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is updating its US 101 North Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan (CMCP) to identify opportunities for multimodal transportation improvements in the US 101 North Corridor. These improvements cover all modes of transportation which includes cars, trucks, rail, transit, ferries, bicycles, and walking. The CMCP outlines goals, strategies, projects, and funding priorities to achieve a balanced transportation system that addresses community impacts including air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Caltrans is conducting a virtual public webinar on the US 101 North CMCP. The virtual public webinar will include a presentation providing an overview of the CMCP and transportation planning process, followed by a question and answer session where attendees can submit questions via online chat.
How to Participate
Thursday, July 21, 2022 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Virtual Meeting Link: https://cadot.webex.com/cadot/j.php?MTID=me277fe4c204d6d7e1cc11d8fe9127b39
Dial-In Number (Voice): 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 2484 879 4963##
To obtain services or copies in an alternate format or language, use the contact information below; arrangements should be made at least one week prior to the meeting.
Para recibir servicios o copias en otro formato o idioma, use la siguiente información de contacto; se deben hacer arreglos al menos una semana antes de la reunión.
Josephine Hsai, Caltrans District 4, 510-960-0804 or systemplanningbayarea@dot.ca.gov.