U.S. Highway 50 South Lake Tahoe Lighting Safety Project


The purpose of this proposed project is to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety between the U.S. Highway 50/State Route 89 “Y” intersection and Pioneer Trail in the City of South Lake Tahoe by installing additional intersection and mid-block lighting, pedestrian signals and advisory signs. The project also proposes to paint the Class II bike lanes green at driveway areas and bike lane extensions to improve visibility.

Project Benefits

There is a need to reduce the number of bicycle and pedestrian collisions with vehicles along this stretch of the Highway 50 corridor. There were 41 reported collisions, included six fatalities, between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2019. Most of the collisions occurred at night, and the project’s lighting alternatives address the required corrective actions to help mitigate these collisions.

Project Funding

Local: 0
State: $1.68 million
Federal: $15.12 million
Total Project Cost $16.8 million

Project Schedule

Project Approval & Environmental Document: 01/22/2021
Design Completed: 04/23/2023
Advertise Project:  07/12/2023
Begin Construction: 10/12/2023
Complete Construction: 11/01/2025

Project News

Caltrans Seeks Feedback on Proposed U.S. Highway 50 Safety Project (03/05/2021)

Project Partner

City of South Lake Tahoe

Project Contacts

Daniel Cuellar, Project Manager, (530) 741-4518; daniel.cuellar@dot.ca.gov

Steve Nelson, Public Information Officer, (530) 632-0080; steve.nelson@dot.ca.gov