I-80 Yuba Pass Separation Overhead Bridge Project

Project Description:

Near Whitmore, from west of Crystal Lake Road to east of State Route 20 Separation at Yuba Pass SOH Bridge. Replace and widen bridge, construct retaining walls in the median, rehabilitate drainage systems, and install roadway weather information systems.

Project Map:

map of hw80 and hw20 project area


The purpose of this project is to provide freight load carrying capacity for extra-legal load trucks and address poor bridge health rating of the Yuba Pass Separation Overhead (SOH) Bridges by replacing the two bridges. The project will also upgrade drainage features, that have reached the end of their service life, and add transportation management system (TMS) elements.


According to Structures Maintenance and Investigations, the existing bridges have a poor health rating and do not meet load carrying capacity for freight movement of extra-legal trucks. The bridges have severe transverse and longitudinal cracks in the concrete decks, spalling concrete, and high corrosive chloride content in the concrete deck surfaces and bridge superstructures and substructures. Additionally, numerous corrugated metal pipe culverts within the project area are severely rusted and require replacement. This segment of I-80 does not currently have TMS.

Project Description:

Near Whitmore, from west of Crystal Lake Road to east of State Route 20 Separation at Yuba Pass SOH Bridge. Replace and widen bridge, construct retaining walls in the median, rehabilitate drainage systems, and install roadway weather information systems.

Project Funding:

This project is programmed in the 2022 State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) and funded through the 20.XX.201.110 Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement Program.

Cost Estimate:

 Support Cost $16,760,000
 Capital Cost $95,257,000
 Total Project Cost  $112,017,000

Project Schedule:

PA&ED May 2022
Ready to List October 2023
Advertise Project January 2024
Begin Construction June 2024
Finish Construction December 2027

Press Releases:

01.05.22 Public Feedback Sought for Two Interstate 80 Improvement Projects

Project Contacts:

Sam Vandell, Project Manager, (530) 682-6478; Sam.Vandell@dot.ca.gov
Jeremy Linder, Public Information Officer, (530) 701-5209; Jeremy.Linder@dot.ca.gov