District: District 3 - Marysville
Contact: Raquel Borrayo
Phone: (530) 701-5209
Placer/Nevada Counties – Caltrans is currently seeking public feedback on two proposed Interstate 80 (I-80) improvement projects in Placer and Nevada counties.
A $101.8 million project proposes to replace and widen the Yuba Pass Separation Overhead (SOH) bridges near the State Route 20 separation in Nevada County. The project would improve freight efficiency along I-80 by increasing the load carrying capacity and address structural deficiencies that necessitate bridge replacement: concrete cracking and spalling, high corrosive chloride content, superstructure repainting, bridge deck concrete degradation, and weight-bearing pad failures.
A second $85.2 million project proposes to rehabilitate a portion of I-80 in both Placer and Nevada counties, from just west of the Troy Road undercrossing to just east of the Soda Springs overcrossing. This project would repair distressed pavement and bridge decks on the existing eastbound and westbound lanes and shoulders, construct an eastbound truck climbing lane, and widen and replace the eastbound Troy Road and Kingvale undercrossing. Existing culverts will be repaired, replaced, or extended as needed. Detector loops on the mainline as well as existing overhead sign structures and sign panels will be replaced.
The draft environmental documents for both projects are currently available for review and public comment from Jan. 3, 2022 to Feb. 1, 2022. The documents may be viewed at the following locations:
- Caltrans District 3
703 B Street
Marysville, CA 95901 - Truckee Branch Library
10031 Levon Avenue
Truckee, CA 96161 - Colfax Public Library
10 Church Street Colfax, CA 95713
- The document is also available to view on the web at: https://dot.ca.gov/caltrans-near-me/district-3/d3-programs/d3-environmental/d3-environmental-docs
Public comments for both projects may be submitted by mail or email no later than Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022.
Caltrans District 3
Attn: Bria Miller
703 B Street
Marysville, CA 95901
Email: bria.miller@dot.ca.gov
Phone: (530) 720-3691
District 3 is responsible for maintaining and operating 4,385 lane miles in 11 Sacramento Valley and Northern Sierra counties. For project updates, follow Caltrans District 3 on Twitter @CaltransDist3 and on Facebook at CaltransDistrict3. For real-time traffic, click on Caltrans’ QuickMap or download the QuickMap app from the App Store or Google Play.