Interstate 80 Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan

I-80 cmcp logo

What is a Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan?

The Interstate 80 Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan (I-80 CMCP) is based on the California Transportation Commission’s 2018 Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan Guidelines. This guidance emphasizes a planning approach that strives to achieve a balanced transportation system.

Caltrans is preparing the I-80 CMCP, a long-range comprehensive planning document, with the goal of achieving a more balanced transportation system that addresses community and environmental impacts.

The I-80 CMCP will evaluate the existing transportation conditions of the corridor and proposes mitigation measures to address factors such as congestion, safety, environmental, and multimodal transportation. The CMCP will analyze impacts to all modes of transportation based on future land use growth along the corridor. Modes of transportation analyzed in the CMCP includes passenger rail, freight rail, local and express bus routes, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. It will identify and prioritize potential improvements that address all modes of transportation on the corridor.

The CMCP will facilitate and allow collaboration between Caltrans, local and regional partners to apply to regional, state, and federal funding programs.

Caltrans District 3 (Sacramento Region) and District 4 (Bay Area Region) have partnered on this joint CMCP effort for the I-80 corridor to better understand the issues on the corridor and to plan appropriately.

The I-80 CMCP incorporates approximately 70-miles of the I-80 corridor — from the Carquinez Bridge in Solano County, through Yolo County and ending in Sacramento County at the junction with SR 51, including a short segment of US 50 between I-80 and I-5.

I-80 CMCP Corridor Study Limits Map

Overview map of Interstate 80 from the Carquinez Bridge in Solano County, through Yolo County and ending in Sacramento County that is included in the Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan

Final CMCP 

I-80 CMCP Virtual Open House Video

I-80 CMCP Fact Sheet 

District 6 site

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Get Involved

Take the Survey

We thank the public for helping with the development of the I-80 CMCP because your opinions and needs matter. The survey closed on January 31, 2021. Thank you again for your participation.

Caltrans Seeks Community Feedback on Proposed I-80 CMCP Projects. Comment period closed on July 28, 2022. Thank you again for your participation. 

Corridor Planning Partners

Caltrans began reaching out to local, regional, state, and federal partners in late 2019 to initiate the development of the CMCP, which includes the following entities:

Bike Davis Board
Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians
California Highway Patrol, Golden Gate Division
Caltrans Headquarters Division of Rail and Mass Transportation
Caltrans Headquarters Division of Transportation Planning
Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
City of Davis
City of Dixon
City of Fairfield
City of Sacramento
City of Suisun City
City of Vacaville
City of Vallejo
City of West Sacramento
City of Winters
Colfax – Todd’s Valley Consolidated Tribe
Cortina Rancheria – Kletsel Dehe Band of Wintun Indians
Dixon Read Ride
Fairfield and Suisun Transit System
Federal Highway Administration – California Division
Ione Band of Miwok Indians
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Napa Valley Transportation Authority
Nashville Enterprise Miwok-Maidu-Nishinam Tribe
Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates
Sacramento Area Council of Governments
Sacramento County
Sacramento County Department of Transportation
Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
Sacramento Regional Transit
San Francisco Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians
Solano County
Solano County Transit
Solano Express (Caltrans)
Solano Transportation Authority
Solano Transportation Authority
The Confederated Villages of Lisjan
Travis Air Force Base
University of California, Davis
Union Pacific Railroad Company Engineering
Vacaville City Coach
Water Emergency Transportation Authority
Wilton Rancheria
Yolo County Transportation District
Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation
Yolo County
Yolo County Department of Community Services
Yolo Solano Air Quality Management District


Dianira Soto, Planning Corridor Manager, Caltrans District 3, Planning, Local Assistance & Sustainability

Zhongping (John) Xu, Senior Transportation Planner, Caltrans District 4, Transportation Planning and Local Assistance