Calmentor North Region
The nine-member Steering Committee, which guides and maintains the Calmentor Program, has the following roles:
- Establishes Program goals and objectives and ensures that they are fulfilled
- Sets Program policies and procedures
- Reviews agreements
- Establishes the grievance protocol
- Helps resolve disagreements
- Evaluates Program performance
- Collects historical information on how the Program is proceeding
- Serves as an advisory body to Caltrans
North Region Steering Committee
Steering Committee Chair:
- Ruby Xochihua, Steering Committee Chair
Steering Committee Mentors:
- Steve Mendenhall, Co-Chair
Chaudhary & Associates - Steven Robinson, Wood Rodgers
- Samad Hamoud, TRC Company
- Elizabeth Raynal, Ghirardeilli Associates Inc
Steering Committee Proteges:
- Erin Mock, Mozamo Engineering, Inc
- Luis Robles, Aerial Zeus
- -Vacant-
Special Events:
Calmentor Statewide Representative
Small Business Liaisons
- Aaron Morgan (D1)
- Amanda Andersen (D2)
- Bill Hovey (D3)
- Steven Robinson
- Justine Chayan (D3)
Calmentor Liaisons NR CSU