Clean California Yreka Rehab Beautification Enhancement Project
The Project:
The Yreka Rehab Project will replace roadway pavement, improve and replace sidewalks to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, relocate utilities, designate bikeways, add signage, and upgrade the bridge rail on Yreka Creek Bridge (No. 02-0117). Beautification was not included in the scope of the project so Clean California funding will add beautification elements to Yreka Rehab project.
Project Benefits:
This project will add aesthetic features to work being done in the Yreka Rehab project.
Project Includes:
Install decorative lighting and textured sidewalks and crosswalks along State Route (SR) 3 in the City of Yreka. Approximately 50 decorative lights will be installed throughout the project limits. Textured sidewalk will be placed at all four corners of the intersection of Miner St and SR 3 (PM L49.26), and at the intersection of Center St and SR 3 (PM L49.20). Textured crosswalks will also be placed on all four legs of both intersections.
Current Project Schedule:
There are an estimated 120 working days for this project, all which will require traffic control. Construction is currently scheduled for 2023.
Project Funding Estimates:
Total project cost (including support) is $1.6 million. This project is made possible by the Clean California Program.
Project Manager: Robert Burnett Jr.
Public Information Officer: Samantha O’Reilly