District 12 Clean California

Beautification & Safety Improvement Projects

Clean California is implementing sustainable beautification projects that improve safety and transform highways into spaces of stewardship and pride for all California communities. Three portfolios are funding 21 projects in Orange County—creating jobs, supporting local artists, cleaning roadsides and improving underserved communities.

The State Beautification Portfolio removes trash and beautifies community gateways and public areas along the state highway system. The goal is to improve safety and promote community connections, with 98 percent of the projects benefitting historically marginalized communities. Twelve State Beautification projects are in Orange County. See the full list of State Beautification Projects statewide.

The Local Grants Portfolio provides approximately $396 million statewide to beautify and improve streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, and transit centers to restore pride in public spaces. Five Local Grant projects are in Orange County. Learn more about the Local Grant Program.

The Transit Partnership Portfolio provides $14.5 million statewide to clean up stations and other areas around public transit systems. Four transit projects are in Orange County. See the full list of Transit Partnership Programs statewide.

State Beautification Projects

Route: I-5, SR-55

Project description: Includes the Route 5/55 Interchange area and the First Street Caltrans Work Program parking lot. Upgrading access control with decorative fencing and gates around the parking lot and installing decorative paving, screen and improve the appearance of the parking lot. Low water landscaping around the parking lot, including trees. Local artwork will be added to the parking lot fence and areas within the project limits. Installation of decorative paving and/or gravel on unpaved slopes, in narrow areas and other locations. Installation of decorative fencing adjacent to and/or along local streets. Remediate areas near decorative features by removing weeds, trash, and debris, removing and/or pruning dead and overgrown shrubs and trees and, if needed, installing safety features to reduce illegal dumping, enhance water conservation through repairing and upgrading the existing irrigation systems.

Fact sheet for I-5 and SR-55 Interchange Project

Route: SR-55

Project description: Install decorative paving and gravel in narrow areas, install low water ground cover, tree planting and mulch. Install decorative right of way fencing requested by the City. Remove weeds, remove and/or prune dead and overgrown shrubs and trees, repair and upgrade the existing irrigation systems to help with water conservation.

Fact sheet for SR-55 North Corridor Project

Route: SR-57, I-91

Project description: Install decorative paving and gravel in narrow areas, install low water ground cover, tree planting and mulch. Installation of gateway monuments, and decorative fencing along local streets. Remove weeds, remove and/or prune dead and overgrown shrubs and trees, repair and upgrade the existing irrigation systems to help with water conservation.

Fact sheet for SR-57 Corridor Project

Route: I-5, SR-91

Project description: Remove weeds, remove and/or prune dead and overgrown shrubs and trees, plant trees, repair and upgrade the existing irrigation systems to help with water conservation, install decorative paving and gravel in narrow areas, install low water ground cover, mulch and fence along local streets. Install safety features to reduce illegal dumping. 

Fact sheet for Northwest Orange County Project

Route: SR-57

Project description: Installation of a decorative gateway monument with artistic features. Removing weeds, trash, and debris, landscaping and tree planting, enhance water conservation through repairing and upgrading the existing irrigation systems.

Fact sheet for SR-57 Art Project

Route: SR-22

Project description: Refurbish property along the Santiago Creek Bike trail in the city of Orange within vacant Caltrans property. This will include the installation of benches and decorative cleanup of the Caltrans parcel with upgraded fencing and inert landscape materials that reflect the identity of the surrounding area. Landscaped/hardscaped elements consistent with the local active transportation plans would be added at the Springdale Street undercrossing. Remove weeds, remove and/or prune dead and overgrown shrubs and trees, repair and upgrade the existing irrigation systems to help with water conservation, install decorative paving and gravel in narrow areas, install low water ground cover and mulch.

Fact sheet for SR-22 Corridor Project

Route: SR-73, I-5, SR-55

Project description: Installation of decorative paving, rock blanket, and/or gravel on unpaved slopes, in narrow areas and other locations and, installation of decorative fencing within the State Right of Way adjacent to and/or along local streets. Apply decorative staining to existing retaining walls and install a dedicated bike and pedestrian gate and path under Route 5 at El Horno Street. Remove weeds, remove and/or prune dead and overgrown shrubs and trees, install decorative slope paving to control erosion near bridges and apply decorative staining to existing retaining walls and install mulch.

Fact sheet for SR-73, I-5, SR-55 Corridor Project

Route: SR-91

Project description: Installation of decorative paving and/or gravel on unpaved slopes, in narrow areas and other locations, installation of decorative fencing within the State Right of Way adjacent to and/or along local streets. Remove weeds, remove and/or prune dead and overgrown shrubs and trees, install decorative paving and gravel in narrow areas and install mulch. The project proposes to install safety measures along the State Highway to help deter illegal dumping and access.

Fact sheet for SR-91 East Orange County Project

Route: I-405, SR-55

Project description: Installation of paving and/or gravel on unpaved slopes, in narrow areas and other locations, installation of fencing within the State Right of Way adjacent to and/or along local streets. Remove weeds, remove and/or prune dead and overgrown shrubs and trees, install decorative paving and gravel in narrow areas and install mulch. The project proposes to install safety measures along the State Highway to help deter illegal dumping and access.

Fact sheet for I-405 and SR-55 Interchange Project

Route: I-5

Project description: Installation of paving and/or gravel on unpaved slopes, in narrow areas and other locations, installation of fencing within the State Right of Way adjacent to and/or along local streets. Remove weeds, remove and/or prune dead and overgrown shrubs and trees, install decorative paving and gravel in narrow areas and install mulch. The project proposes to install safety measures along the State Highway to help deter illegal dumping and access.

Fact sheet for I-5 South Orange County Project

Route: I-5, I-405

Project description: Installation of paving and/or gravel on unpaved slopes, in narrow areas and other locations, installation of fencing within the State Right of Way adjacent to and/or along local streets. Remove weeds, remove and/or prune dead and overgrown shrubs and trees, install decorative paving and gravel in narrow areas and install mulch. The project proposes to install safety measures along the State Highway to help deter illegal dumping and access.

Fact sheet for I-5 and I-405 Interchange Project

Route: SR-142, SR-74

Project description: Install safety measures along the State Highway to help deter illegal dumping and access.

Fact sheet for SR-142 and SR-74 Corridor Project

Local Grants Projects

Agency: City of Anaheim

Project title: North La Palma Green Promenade, Paseo and Parking Lot

Grant amount: $2,639,009

Total project cost: $3,518,679

Project description: Clean California Funds will allow the City of Anaheim to create the North La Palma Green Promenade, Paseo and Parking lot - transforming the entirely asphalt, two-way North La Palma Parkway into an attractive pedestrian/bicycle friendly, tree-lined, one-way corridor. The project will connect dense, disadvantaged communities to La Palma Park and two of the City’s busiest commercial/transit corridors. It will extend the park's reach north on Swan Street, installing greening elements and creating a green parking lot. It will reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by providing safer/convenient opportunities for active transportation, connections to transit stops, and increased shade to reduce the urban heat island effect. Together with an education and outreach program, the project will provide opportunities to share anti-graffiti/anti-littering messages with transit riders, social media followers, and hundreds of thousands of residents who attend La Palma Park events or benefit from the social services provided at the adjacent Swan Street Parking lot.

Fact sheet for North La Palma Green Promenade, Paseo and Parking Lot Local Grant Project

Agency: City of Garden Grove

Project title: Medal of Honor Trail: Community Health Enhancements

Grant amount: $441,000

Total project cost: $691,000

Project description: The Medal of Honor Trail: Community Health Enhancements Project will provide new infrastructure that will enhance public health, make cultural connections, contribute to community placemaking, and help bring that vision to life. The project will beautify existing community gathering areas and provide new infrastructure to promote increased pedestrian/bicyclist traffic on the trail. Specifically, this project will provide new trash receptacles, new benches, new bicycle racks, and more than 120,000 square feet of mulch at multiple locations throughout the trail corridor, preventing water runoff and flooding, as well as add longevity to the recently added 363 trees and landscaping. The project will install 22 new pieces of fitness equipment along the trail to provide a more comfortable and inviting space, while enhancing its use and promoting public health initiatives.

Agency: City of Huntington Beach

Project title: Oak View Neighborhood Cleanup & Beautification

Grant amount: $5,000,000

Total project cost: $6,515,167

Project description: The project will beautify Oak Lane and Ash Lane in the Oak View Neighborhood with streetscape improvements including artistic crosswalk painting, traffic striping, traffic and street signage, and roadway improvements to an alley; trees, landscaping, and irrigation; pedestrian lights, sidewalk paving, stormwater infrastructure, curb ramps, tactile warning strips, and artistic neighborhood signage to create a sense of community identity. These improvements will benefit the students and families of Oak View Elementary School which is within the project site on Oak Lane by improving walkability and safety. The project will cleanup and beautify the neighborhood, reduce water usage, increase shade coverage, and reduce the urban heat island effect. In addition to physical improvements, project will maintain a monthly “Keep Your Neighborhood Clean and Beautiful” social media campaign and host monthly community cleanup events for bulky waste items.

Fact sheet for Oak View Neighborhood Cleanup & Beautification Local Grant Project

Agency: City of Santa Ana

Project title: King Street Urban Greening

Grant amount: $1,491,240

Total project cost: $1,491,240

Project description: The King Street Urban Greening Project is located at the intersection of W 10th Street and N King Street. The Project will provide multiple benefits to an underserved community, including neighborhood beautification, trash abatement, improved accessibility, water quality improvements, and groundwater recharge. The 9,000 sq-ft parcel is currently vacant and consists of aged asphalt paving, curb and gutter, and sidewalks. The proposed Project will improve and beautify the parcel by removing the existing asphalt, installing drought tolerant landscaping, shade trees, stormwater infiltration systems, a 2,300 sq-ft pervious pavement bike path, two interpretive signs featuring litter abatement and watershed education, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant features, public art, four energy-conserving lights, six benches, and three waste receptacles. Construction is anticipated to begin in early 2023 and end by August 2023.

Fact sheet for King Street Urban Greening Local Grant Project

Agency: City of Santa Ana

Project title: Walnut Street Urban Greening

Grant amount: $2,200,000

Total project cost: $2,200,000

Project description: The Walnut Street Urban Greening Project was identified in response to a community call for open space in one of the most densely populated areas in Orange County and the pathway for the neighborhood to access two schools with more than 4,300 students. The project will improve sustainability and aesthetics of the area to promote active transportation, community events and gathering. The project will include various physical and environmentally friendly improvements and will provide multiple benefits to an underserved community including litter abatement, beautification, art displays, and reducing urban heat factor.

Transit Projects

Agency: City of Santa Ana Public Works

Project title: Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center (SARTC) Painting & Wrought Iron Fencing

Grant amount: $1,475,000

Project description: The SARTC Painting & Wrought Iron Fencing project will enhance its aesthetic appeal and overall functionality. The project will repaint the exterior of the SARTC and repair or replace the wrought iron fencing to provide an appealing and pleasing commuting environment for the community and overall region. Additionally, the project will include ornamental wrought iron fencing replacement around the building as well as the refurbishment of the iconic Santa Ana signage in the courtyard.

Agency: City of Santa Ana Public Works

Project title: Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center (SARTC) Outdoor Water Fountain Renovation

Grant amount: $500,000

Project description: The SARTC Outdoor Water Fountain Renovation project will enhance the main entrance of the SARTC, welcoming commuters with an outdoor water fountain, paved walkways, and Spanish-style lighting. As the main decorative art installation of the SARTC's entrance, the outdoor water fountain will enhance the commuter experience by providing an aesthetically pleasing and tranquil environment. The renovation of the SARTC water fountain is one of many repairs and facility improvements of an aging facility that has not seen any major renovations. Replacing worn out equipment will make better use of the fountain water and electricity, therefore, increasing efficiency in water usage and reducing resources that furthers green practices. With the highly anticipated completion of the OC Streetcar in 2024 and SARTC serving as the eastern terminus, traffic is expected to increase attracting new transit users. The water fountain replacement will assist in revitalizing the SARTC, highlighting the facility's unique character and improving the transit experience of our new and existing commuters.

Agency: City of Santa Ana

Project title: Santa Ana Bus Stop Improvements

Grant amount: $398,000

Project description: The Santa Ana Bus Stop Improvements project will provide much needed bus stop amenities at a total of 37 Orange County Transportation Authority bus stops within the City of Santa Ana. Specifically, this project will provide one bus shelter, 34 benches, 28 trash bins, 2 trees and up to 5 spot sidewalk repairs. The shelter and benches will afford transit users the ability to comfortably sit while they wait for the bus to arrive. The trash bins will provide a place for trash to be placed instead of just being thrown on the ground.

Agency: City of Fullerton

Project title: Fullerton Station Transit Enhancements

Grant amount: $799,030

Project description: The Fullerton Station Transit Enhancement project will improve pedestrian facilities and alternate transportation options, ultimately reducing carbon emissions to produce a more vibrant and healthier community. The project includes bridge and walkway rehabilitation, restoration work on the Santa Fe Depot Station, implementation of new signage and digital wayfinding, lighting improvements, landscaping to reduce heat island effects, and installation of a local artist mural.