District: District 11 — San Diego and Imperial Counties
Contact: Stephen Welborn
Phone: (619) 688-6670
SAN DIEGO — Caltrans construction crews continue the 18-mile road repair and improvement project along State Route 67 (SR-67) and will pass the Lakeside to Scripps Poway Parkway milestone this month. Northbound progress through to Dye Road is expected by August.
Work will continue Sunday to Thursday nights, from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. Drivers should anticipate one-way lane restrictions at times during work.
Crews have already performed other improvements since the work began last year, including modifying existing traffic signal systems, improved pavement markings, and enhanced ADA curb ramp upgrades, as well as adding new and improved guardrails at 36 locations along SR-67. In addition, there is also broadband work being performed as part of the Governor's "Broadband for All" initiative.
The project's estimated total cost is $37 million, funded through the State Highway Operation and Protection Program and made available through Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.
SR-67 is being resurfaced with Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt (RHMA) to improve road conditions from north of the San Diego River Bridge in Lakeside to State Route 78 in Ramona. The work entails grinding down to just over two-and-a-half inches of existing asphalt surface, which will be replaced with RHMA.
As each section of the SR-67 is repaired, crews will begin in a northbound direction, then flip to the southbound lanes.
Motorists are reminded to be Work Zone Alert if traveling in the area and to watch for highway workers and moving construction equipment.
The construction schedule is subject to change due to weather conditions, traffic incidents, or other construction-related reasons.
For real-time traffic information, including traffic speed, lane and road closures due to construction and maintenance activities, and more, go to http://quickmap.dot.ca.gov/
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