Caltrans Launches Clean California “Community Days” to Beautify Public Spaces and Encourage Californians to Spring Into Action, San Diego


Clean California - A transformative initiative to remove litter; create jobs and beautify California

District: District 11 — San Diego and Imperial Counties
Contact: Barbara Cosio Moreno
Phone: (619) 688-6670

Events Include Free Disposal Opportunities, Community Cleanups, School Partnerships, and a Public Event on the closed SR-15 Freeway

El CENTRO, Calif: Governor Gavin Newsom’s $1.2 billion Clean California Initiative to beautify public spaces, engage communities, remove trash, and create jobs is launching a “Spring into Action” period to encourage and empower Californians to beautify their neighborhoods. In collaboration with elected officials and community partners, Caltrans will host ten days of events in San Diego and Imperial Counties during Community Days between March 17- 27.

“Clean California Community Days is a statewide movement to bring people together and think about how we can all make a difference in our neighborhoods,” said Caltrans District Director Gustavo Dallarda. “We are using this opportunity to connect with communities rather than run through them and work on solutions together that result in clean air, clean water, clean communities, and a Clean California.”

Public Events

  • Free Dump Day Events
    Saturday, March 18, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.
    To prevent illegal dumping and highway debris, San Diegans can dispose of household waste safely and properly for free at various Caltrans maintenance yards. The following items will NOT be accepted: hazardous waste (batteries, paint, oils, flammables, etc.), construction debris (concrete, dirt, asphalt, asbestos), compressed gas, aerosols, treated wood waste, refrigerators, and freezers. Four mattresses and four tires separated from the rims per household will be accepted.
    • El Centro: 1102 Montenegro Way, El Centro, CA 92243
    • Brawley: 200 S Palm Avenue, Brawley, CA 92227
  • Groundbreaking Celebration for Imperial County Improvements Project
    Wednesday, March 23, 11 a.m.–12 p.m.
    Caltrans will host a media event at Holtville Park (570 Holt Rd. 92250) to celebrate the start of construction on a project that will bring multiple shaded bus shelters and landscaped median island improvements to Imperial County.

Other events include

  • Hosting an Adopt-A-Highway Recognition Ceremony in Old Town San Diego to honor the program’s most active community volunteers and business sponsors, including winners from Calexico and Imperial, on Tuesday, March 21.
  • Caltrans “Swarm” maintenance activities on SR-86 in Brawley to clean and maintain the transportation corridor between SR-78 and Brandt Road, Saturday, March 25.

How to Get Involved

Host A Cleanup | March 17-27

Join thousands of Californians across the state by hosting their own cleanups. Families, organizations, and businesses are eligible to receive free cleanup supplies like pickers and bags by registering at Clean California. Cleanups can be from a few neighbors cleaning up their block to a large non-profit cleaning a beach or trail.

Caltrans is also developing the Clean California Community program, in which communities from across the state can seek to earn a designation by meeting criteria centered around preventing and cleaning up litter, promoting recycling, and otherwise greening or beautifying their communities. Incentives will also be offered to encourage communities to earn this designation.

Since launching Clean California in July 2021, Caltrans has removed nearly 1.4 million cubic yards of litter from state highways – the equivalent of more than 23,000 tons or enough trash to fill more than 420 Olympic-size swimming pools – and hired more than 830 new team members as part of Clean California.

Visit to learn more about how Clean California is transforming communities and how you can get involved.

Motorists are reminded to be Work Zone Alert if traveling in the area and to watch for highway workers and moving construction equipment.

The construction schedule is subject to change due to weather conditions, traffic incidents, or other construction-related reasons.

For real-time traffic information, including traffic speed, lane and road closures due to construction and maintenance activities, and more, go to

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