Miracle Mile Project Ad Hoc Subcommittees

Business Development Subcommittee

Oversees ideas that are related to enhancing the facades of businesses (to upgrade and to support placemaking), creating incentives and programs to support individual businesses, overall business growth, and diversification to drive a more robust business center.


Civil Improvements Subcommittee

Oversees ideas that are related to traffic calming and street improvements, crosswalks, sidewalks, and parking.


Community Engagement Subcommittee

Ensures all who are invested in the Miracle Mile are involved in the decision process – before, during and after the Miracle Mile revitalization project.


Mobility Subcommittee

Focuses on ideas specific to bicyclists, pedestrians, transit, and other modes of transportation to and from the Miracle Mile.


Place-making Subcommittee

Oversees ideas that create opportunities for people to gather (e.g., plazas and events), landscaping (LLMs), signage, and maintaining the historical style of the Miracle Mile.


Security & Lighting Subcommittee

Oversees ideas related to means and methods to monitor the Miracle Mile, and lighting throughout the district.