Westport Landslide Complex

BackgroundAerial photo of Route 1 near Westport in Mendocino County. The road winds along the coast with the ocean in the foreground. Fluffy white clouds obscure part of the photo.

The Westport landslide complex is located on the Mendocino County coast approximately 1.3 miles south of the community of Westport. State Route (SR) 1 traverses the main landslide at an elevation of roughly 250 feet above the coastline. The width of the landslide at the roadway elevation is approximately 1,400 feet. In addition to the large, deep-seated landslide, there is also a series of nested landslides that encroach on the roadway from below, triggered by wave action and erosion along the coastline.

This landslide complex has a long history of movement, resulting in damage to the roadway prism and sometimes long-term lane closures while emergency repairs are undertaken. Without additional stabilization measures, future storm events are expected to contribute to additional roadway loss. Stabilization of the roadway is important because SR1 is a Minor Arterial route that provides mobility and access to the cities and unincorporated communities along the Mendocino coast.

Project Description

As a result of the Winter storms of 2022/2023, a Director’s Order (project 01-0N4404) was issued for $30 million of repairs. The scope of this project includes geotechnical investigation and monitoring, extension of the existing northern soldier pile ground anchor (SPGA) wall, and, if feasible, placement of rock revetment at the toe of the slope. Based on results of the geotechnical monitoring, future work may include installation of a subsurface drainage system (to slow landslide movement) and additional retaining structures.


March 2024 through December 2025 – Emergency work via Director’s Order (project 01-0N4404). Scope is to extend existing SPGA wall north and, if feasible, place rock revetment at the base of the slope.

Budget Estimates

Director’s Order (01-0N440) budget $30 million

Contact Information

Project Manager
Lianna Winkler-Prins
(707) 798-7737

Public Information Officer (Media Inquires)
Manny Machado
(707) 496-6879, TTY 711

Last reviewed: October 2024

Construction Updates

September 2024

Road work on Route 1 in Mendocino County. Heavy equipment fills one lane and concrete barriers separate the driving lane from the work zone.

A large wooden retaining wall fills the frame with a dirt construction road underneath. Heavy equipment and workers are visible in the distance, working on a section of the wall. Orange delineators lean to the side of the roadway. The ocean is visible under a cloudy sky.

Retaining wall on Route 1 in Mendocino County. Wood is laid parallel to the ground, slid into concrete forms. An excavator crests a pile of dirt with the blue ocean visible under behind under a hazy sky.

Route 1 sign.