Orleans Pedestrian and Bicyclist Connectivity Project
Project Description
The Orleans Pedestrian and Bicyclist Connectivity Project proposes to construct a shared-use path for pedestrians and bicyclists through the community of Orleans on State Route 96 from Camp Creek Road to East Perch Creek Road. The path is proposed to be located on one side of the highway and separated from vehicle lanes by approximately thirteen feet. Multiple crosswalks are proposed to be elevated on speed “tables” to improve visibility and slow vehicles in the downtown area. Lighting along the path is proposed to improve visibility for all users of the facility.
The path crossing at Camp Creek is proposed to be located on a new separate structure for pedestrians and cyclists. The Klamath River Bridge, or “Orleans Bridge” is currently proposed to add a push button warning system with flashing beacons at each end of the structure to alert drivers of pedestrians and cyclists on the bridge.
This project is currently unfunded. Caltrans is preparing the Project Initiation Document, which is anticipated to be complete in spring 2024.
Caltrans and the Karuk Tribe will be seeking funding through the Active Transportation Program for the portion of the path in downtown Orleans. If funding is secured, project development is expected to begin in summer 2025, and construction is expected to begin in 2029.
Contact Information
Project Manager
Alex Arevelo
(707) 572-7392
Public Information (Media inquiries)
Myles Cochrane
(707) 498-4272, TTY711
Last reviewed: October 2024