Annie & Mary Trail - Phase 2

Connecting Blue Lake and Glendale with a shared use path Street level view of State route 299 near Blue Lake. The four lane roadway is divided in the middle by a grassy median. A large tree towers over the roadway and an oncoming truck is visible beneath a blue sky with scattered clouds.

Project Description

Caltrans aims to construct a new shared-use path between the communities of Blue Lake and Glendale adjacent to State Route (SR) 299. The purpose of this project is to increase pedestrian and bicyclist safety, accessibility and level of comfort between the communities of Blue Lake, Blue Lake Rancheria and Glendale.

Two alternative alignments are proposed for the connection. Alternative 1 will follow the northern (westbound) side of SR 299, and Alternative 2 will follow the southern (eastbound) side. The trail will be paved and separated from the highway to increase user safety.

Visualization of two proposed alternatives for the annie and mary trail. One alternative shows an 8 foot shoulder with biking and walking paths. The second shows a  10 foot path with biking, walking and equestrian paths.


The proposed trail between Blue Lake and Glendale is the second segment of a longer trail planned to connect Blue Lake to Arcata. The first of five segments has been constructed in the City of Blue Lake and another segment in Arcata has secured funds through construction. Community members have long been working together toward this vision of a pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian path connecting the communities. Humboldt County has been working with local non-profit “The Friends of the Annie and Mary Trail” for close to 10 years. Other partners in this endeavor include the City of Blue Lake, the City of Arcata, the Humboldt County Association of Governments, Blue Lake Rancheria and the Redwood Community Action Agency.

Aerial map of the proposed Annie & Mary Trail Phase 2 connecting Blue Lake to Glendale 


To be determined

Estimated Traffic Impacts

Minimal impacts since the trail alignment is separated from the roadway.


Project Manager
Brian Finck
(707) 498-3489

Public Information (Media inquiries)
Myles Cochrane
(707) 498-4272

More Information

Friends of the Annie & Mary Rail-trail Facebook page (External site)
Great Redwood Trail Agency (External site)
HCAOG Annie and Mary Rail Trail (External site)

 Last reviewed: March 2025

Public Meeting

Thanks to those who joined us at the open house!  

Attendees of the Annie & Mary Trail open house share feedback with Caltrans staff.

Annie & Mary Trail Open House, March 2024

Attendees of the Annie & Mary Open House share feedback with project staff.

Annie & Mary Trail Open House, March 2024

Attendees of the Annie & Mary Open House share feedback with staff.

Annie & Mary Trail Open House, March 2024