Market Sounding Kick-off Event
On August 15th, 2019, over 30 participants gathered at the Market Square Studio, and another 30 followed the event online.
Deputy Secretary for Transportation at CalSTA, Chad Edison welcomed participants at 10.30 a.m. and shared an anecdote about his multi-leg public transportation trip that morning from Sacramento to the event. Subsequently, Chad reflected on current mode share of public transportation in California, changing mobility options and how a seamless payment system for mobility can contribute to achieving various goals. During his 20 minutes presenting, he addressed:
- The Cal-ITP program and its role in achieving objectives
- The purpose of this Market Sounding: to collect information about the knowledge and capabilities of various market players and industry professionals.
- The focus of this Market Sounding - Cal-ITP can help raise the quality of the entire public transportation experience and enable the next generation of public transportation.
- What the program aims to learn from the Market Sounding
Next, Jeroen Kok, principal consultant at Rebel Group and part of the Cal-ITP team, presented four illustrative use cases showing issues and opportunities relating to existing fare payment systems in California and presented an overview of transit payment systems in California.
During his 20 minutes, Jeroen presented:
- The prerequisites of a new system: provide all customer groups equal access to all mobility services; prioritizing the customer experience to reduce friction; integrate with trip planning; and be cost-effective
- How Cal-ITP hypothesizes the roles in a fare payment system, and how those roles map onto the four-party business model applied in global payment systems
- The market sounding process, and timing of the subsequent steps.
In the final twenty minutes of the event, Chad and Jeroen responded to questions from participants.