QuickMap Frequently Asked Questions

How does the push notification feature work?

Users who choose to subscribe to notifications will be notified of any planned or unplanned full closure of a highway, within a certain proximity (usually 10 miles) of the user’s location.  Notifications will only be sent for closures that are expected to last 30 minutes or longer.  Advanced notifications for planned closures will be sent out 30 minutes prior to their expected start time.

How does the application know where a user is located?

The application will utilize the standard location reporting features that are part of the mobile device.  The location of the device will be checked every 2 minutes and if it is located within proximity of a closure, a notification will be sent.  The application will not collect any information about users’ travel or any type of personally identifiable information.

How is the push notification feature activated?

When a user installs or updates the QuickMap mobile application, they will be prompted to set the “Geotargeted Notifications” setting in the application to “On” to receive notifications.  Android users will have the option to also enable “Enhanced Location Tracking.” This will allow the device’s location to be tracked more reliably than the default tracking that occurs when “Geotargeted Notifications” are enabled.

Can a user choose to not receive push notifications?

Yes.  Users do not need to enable location services, notifications, or accept Geotargeted Notifications terms of service to use the QuickMap mobile application.  

Where will the push notifications appear on a mobile device?

The Push notifications can appear on the lock screen, and on the notification center (for phones using iOS) or notification drawer (for phones using an Android operating system).

How does the push notification feature affect the battery life of the mobile device?

Testing has shown that there should be minimal impact to battery life. If additional battery consumption is a concern, the application includes an option known as “Location Tracking Efficiency Mode”. When this option is turned on, the mobile device location will be reported less frequently. Note: this feature cannot be activated on the Android version of the application if the user has activated the “Enhanced Location Tracking” feature.

Where can users view the Terms of Service for push notifications?

Users who choose to enable Geotargeted Notifications will provided with the terms of service. Users can also view the terms of service on the app settings screen (found within the QuickMap app).

When I attempt to enable Geotargeted Notifications, why do I see the following message “Geotargeted Notifications are temporarily disabled.”?

The push notification function for mobile devices in QuickMap, Caltrans’ real-time traffic app, has been temporarily disabled. Caltrans thanks you for your patience as our team works to resume the service. While the push notification feature alerted opted-in users within a 10-mile radius of a Caltrans-managed route anticipated to be closed for more than 30 minutes, motorists can still “know before you go” by accessing the information in QuickMap’s “Road Conditions” menu and checking the “Lane Closures” and “Road Closures” boxes. Caltrans thanks California travelers for their interest in QuickMap and we encourage you to follow us on social media.