Office of Operations and Resource Management
The Office of Operations and Resource Management provides financial and administrative support to the division, while ensuring business processes, regulations, and State and Federal laws and policies are followed.
David Ly, Office Chief
Email David Ly
(916) 654-9778
What We Do
- Ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and policies
- Ensure business processes are efficient
- Provide excellent customer service
- Promote a positive and safe work environment
- Maximize Federal reimbursements
- Utilize resources effectively
- Provide spending transparency
- Optimize staffing levels and workload
- Maintain excellent working relationship with partners
- Create clear and effective communications
Office of Operations and Resource Management Branches
Contracts and Resources Branch
An Sarrels, Chief
Email An Sarrels
(916) 227-5923
We focus on providing Resource and Contract Management Services for DRISI.
Resource Management
Analyze appropriations. Manage State, Federal, and grant funds. Develop spending plans. Allocate resources to districts. Certify program funding. Forecast and analyze expenditures. Prepare ad-hoc financial reports. Manage charging practices. Update resource management process.
Contract Management
Analyze contract packages, process contract amendments, maintain contract files, and close out completed contracts. Use GIS technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness our decision making.
Communications and Administration Branch
Brandon Shoemaker, Chief
Email Brandon Shoemaker
(916) 227-6182
Our responsibilities include Human Resources, Business Services, Communications duties, and maintaining compliance with laws, regulations, and departmental policies.
Human Resources
We manage and oversee the hiring process, support employees regarding leave benefits, coordinate the student assistant program, and provide health and safety services.
Business Services
We maintain equipment inventory and status, coordinate facility services, manage training and travel, provide clerical support, coordinate records management and bill analysis, and purchase general goods and services for DRISI.
We respond to California Public Records Act requests, distribute final research reports, manage communication plans, develop and deliver presentations, coordinate Research Connection events, and publish DRISI directives and policies.
Compliance and Departmental Support
Guide DRISI to maintain compliance with state and federal law regarding Title VI, Americans with Disabilities Act; Equal Employment Opportunity issues; and Conflict of Interest. We also assist DRISI to maintain compliance with Caltrans' Directors Policies, Deputy Directives, and Division Directives.
Traffic Collision Reports Coding Branch
Philip Poon, Chief
Email Philip Poon
(916) 324-5129
Our responsibilities include traffic collision reports coding.
Traffic Collision Reports (TCR) Coding
We code TCR accident locations, generate reports for high accident concentration areas, maintain collision report archives, respond to inquiries and requests regarding accident reports, and prepare annual collision data reports.