Previous Winners of the Outstanding Management and Engineering in Transportation Awards
The Outstanding Management and Engineering in Transportation Awards, also known as the Moskowitz, Purcell, Rhinehart and Roberts awards, recognize valued contributions to the field of transportation by Caltrans registered engineers, engineering managers and nonengineering managers.
Karl Moskowitz Award
Marissa Nishikawa
Senior Transportation Engineer
District 6

Marissa Nishikawa’s profound engineering and managerial expertise has been evident in the many complex projects she has completed successfully during her 32 years with Caltrans. As a Senior Design Engineer, she conveys an innovative, inclusive, and clear-eyed approach to all of her endeavors, consistently leading teams and colleagues to maximize efficiency, promote professional excellence, and bring in project schedules on time.
Marissa knows that the best way of doing a particular task may sometimes deviate from traditional practice, a situation that calls for a leader that can recognize the challenges involved and work to forge a win-win solution. For example, when she was the Design Senior on a complicated project and the contractor proposed a Value Engineering Change Proposal (VECP), she thoroughly evaluated the proposal and embraced its unconventional recommendation. Although most of the Project Team was not initially in favor of the VECP, Marissa’s had the patience and well-honed ability to engage colleagues, stakeholders and resource agencies to bridge the differences and achieve consensus.
Marissa’s many contributions to Caltrans go beyond her impressive engineering accomplishments. She is known for going the extra mile and leading by example to ensure that the many new engineers she has supervised are thriving as full members of the Caltrans Team. Through her mentorship and leadership, Marissa has inspired a multitude of transportation engineers and technicians to reach their professional career goals while providing meaningful contributions to the communities in which we work.
The Karl Moskowitz Award annually recognizes contributions by Caltrans registered engineers to the field of transportation engineering. Mr. Moskowitz served as a Caltrans traffic engineer for 27 years. Much of his work in freeway design and traffic flow appeared at the outset of the Interstate highway program and was used extensively by planners and engineers nationwide, thus becoming the national standard.
Charles H. Purcell:
Srikanth “Sri” Balasubramanian
Deputy Division Chief
Division of Traffic Operations

Srikanth “Sri” Balasubramanian has been a consistently impactful advocate for safety, efficiency, and accountability throughout his thirty-year Caltrans career, always looking for new ways to do our work better, faster, and cheaper without compromising safety and integrity. Since his early days as a Caltrans field engineer, to his current role as Division Deputy Chief in Traffic Operations, Sri has taken on leadership roles at the forefront of change and innovation.
In numerous instances, Sri has worked extensively with State, federal, and local partners to improve engineering processes that have reduced costs and expedited project delivery. For example, Sri led Caltrans’ strategic planning effort and the California Innovative Corridors Initiative that led to the rapid deployment of new ITS technology. He also advanced Caltrans’ efforts toward Zero Deaths on the State Highway System through numerous innovative and collaborative efforts.
At different points in his outstanding career, Sri was responsible for leading the Caltrans’ Department Operation Center, was the Caltrans representative to the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, and led the first implementation of contraflow for emergencies. Sri also established the Caltrans Office of Emergency Management that focuses on managing emergency response, winter operations, and hazardous materials.
Significantly, in one of California’s greatest time of need, Sri was instrumental in implementing critical statewide initiatives in response to the Covid-19 pandemic by focusing on communicating public health information, supporting truck drivers, and ensuring the continued shipment of essential goods.
Sri’s career represents the best characteristics of civil service: fiscal responsibility, commitment, integrity, and pride.
The Charles H. Purcell Award recognizes valued contributions by Caltrans engineering managers to the field of transportation engineering and transportation program management. Mr. Purcell served as California’s State Highway Engineer from 1928 to 1943 and as Director of Public Works until 1951. He established California’s extraordinary record of leadership and integrity in transportation engineering and guided the construction of the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge and the State Highway System.
Bimla G. Rhinehart:
Jesus Zuniga
Maintenance Manager I
District 10 Maintenance

Jesus Zuniga, a seasoned Maintenance Manger I in District 10, is celebrated by colleagues and partners alike for his exceptional ability to move projects forward by ensuring that everyone involved – engineers, specialists, and contractors – are literally on the same page. He is uncannily adept at breaking down a complicated project into its discrete phases and components, so all participants understand their roles and responsibilities, and coordinates all concerned for the best possible results.
In approaching and performing his many daily duties, Jesus consistently thinks outside the box. He works to improve the District’s processes and outcomes by streamlining how the Maintenance units operate, keeping costs low by finding innovative ways to reuse our existing tools and equipment, and maintaining excellent records, including reference documents, so that, if he were to be called away on another task, a colleague could smoothly temporarily assume his duties.
Jesus leads by example, always the first one to volunteer for committees by monitoring and promoting Maintenance activities and achievements. He enjoys coaching and mentoring staff, helping them achieve their employment goals and explore new jobs and promotions with confidence. Jesus is an engaged listener and an enthusiastic life-long learner, talents that serves his colleagues, his community, and Caltrans very well.
The Bimla G. Rhinehart Award recognizes contributions to the transportation field by non-engineering Caltrans managers. This may include, but is not limited to, surveyors, architects, lawyers, planners, landscape architects, administrators, right-of-way agents, maintenance managers, rail, aeronautics, and mass transportation managers. Ms. Rhinehart was known across the state for her amazing ability to create strong relationships and partnerships that benefitted Californians and moved transportation projects forward. During her 27 years with the California Department of Transportation, she served as the Division Chief of Right of Way and Land Surveys, Acting Division Chief of Budgets, Deputy Director of External Affairs and Special Projects Manager. She also served as Executive Director of the California Transportation Commission and was a member of the Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee.
James E. Roberts:
Kyoung-Hyeog Lee
Senior Bridge Engineer
Division of Engineering Services

With over 30 years of experience as a structural and bridge engineer with an extensive background in design, construction, and research, Dr. Kyoung-Hyeog Lee has played a key role in the development of many of Caltrans’ recent engineering adaptions and innovations.
National committees and professional engineering communities often call on Kyoung’s expertise. In his constant search for new design methods, he identified Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) and Lightweight Cellular Concrete (LCC) options for a complex ABC project. He has been a frequent contributor to various professional engineering journals, institutes, and professional and research organizations.
The Division of Engineering Services and Highway Safety Features New Products Committee (HSFNPC) recognized the need for a crashworthy side-mounted bridge rail usable in areas where the speed limit exceeds 45 mph. In that regard, Kyoung invented a spring damper system, the first MASH-approved (Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware) Test Level 4 Steel Side Mounted Barrier Rail system in the United States.
Kyoung worked on some of California’s most iconic structures, including the Feather River Bridge in Sutter County and the Devil Slide Bridge in San Mateo County. He ensured the expedited delivery and the smooth transition to public use with sound engineering judgment based on his exemplary dedication to improving the lives of countless Californians.
The James E. Roberts Award annually recognizes outstanding contributions by Caltrans registered engineers to the field of transportation structures. Mr. Roberts served as a structural engineer and manager for more than half a century, including 15 years as California’s State Bridge Engineer. He spearheaded Caltrans’ $4.5 billion seismic retrofit program and oversaw nearly $50 million in seismic research projects. He was named to the National Academy of Engineering in 1996, and retired in 2001 as Chief Deputy Director.
James E. Roberts Award
Jason Lynch
Senior Bridge Engineer
Division of Engineering Services - Bridge Design

specifically, seismic and complex bridge design and segmental bridge design. He served on the Department’s Segmental Bridge Committee for many years.
As a senior bridge engineer in the highly specialized Accelerated Bridge Construction Branch, he leads and promotes innovative designs such as the use of innovative materials, temporary bridges, pre-fabrication of bridge elements, and methods to jack, launch and slide bridges into place.
Mr. Lynch is the single focal point for reviewing Structure Technical Policy for the Division of Engineering Services (DES). He volunteered to spearhead this critical effort to ensure that new bridge design policy meets 21st century standards and is practical, sustainable, and forward-looking. Additionally, he is a member of the DES Loads and Analysis Committee, contributing to the National LRFD Design Bridge Design Specifications and guide specifications through review of items produced by T-5, the AASHTO Loads Committee.
Through his many accomplishments, sustained excellence, and dedication to public service, Mr. Lynch has demonstrated that he embodies the vision, passion, and leadership in bridge and seismic engineering that exemplifies Jim Roberts’ legacy.
The James E. Roberts Award annually recognizes outstanding contributions by Caltrans registered engineers to the field of transportation structures. Mr. Roberts served as a structural engineer and manager for more than half a century, including 15 years as California’s State Bridge Engineer. He spearheaded Caltrans’ $4.5 billion seismic retrofit program and oversaw nearly $50 million in seismic research projects. He was named to the National Academy of Engineering in 1996, the only state-employed engineer to be so honored. Mr. Roberts retired in 2001 as Chief Deputy Director.
Charles H Purcell Award
Janice Benton
Division of Design

Janice Benton’s accomplishments are far-reaching and contribute to the department’s strategic plan to achieve safety, modality, stewardship, and equity in designing highway projects.
She has been pioneering ways of continuously improving project development guidance, procedures, and processes. Her effective leadership ability to manage change and resolve conflicts to complex problems and recognize and mitigate the risks associated with decisions has greatly contributed to the Division of Design’s successful implementation of Design Flexibility, the Design Flexibility Roadshow and Work Zone Guidance development.
In addition, under her guidance, impactful projects took shape: the Project Delivery Complete Streets (CS) Program, which provides comfortable, convenient, and connected complete streets facilities for people walking, biking, and taking transit or passenger rail; the Broadband Middle-Mile Network Delivery Program, which delivers high-speed fiber network that serves underserved/unserved residences, businesses and communities.
Throughout her career, Ms. Benton has influenced changes in the Department’s design guidance and accomplished multiple strategic initiatives that have been successful because of her leadership and vision for change. As an exemplary leader, she continues to strive for the safest and most reliable transportation system for all people.
The Charles H. Purcell Award recognizes valued contributions by Caltrans engineering managers to the field of transportation engineering and transportation program management. Mr. Purcell served as California’s State Highway Engineer from 1928 to 1943 and as Director of Public Works until 1951. He established California’s extraordinary record of leadership and integrity in transportation engineering and guided the construction of the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge and the State Highway System.
Karl Moskowitz Award
Sean Coughlin
Senior Transportation Engineer, Electrical (Sup)
District 4, Division of Traffic Operations

Sean Coughlin is a Caltrans veteran, having spent all 39 years in the Traffic Operations Program. A subject matter expert in traffic operations and an innovator in traffic management, he has been an active leader in Intelligent Transportation Systems and traffic engineering throughout his career, which began when computing technology was in its infancy.
His contributions resulted in the development of controller firmware and software applications to manage various traffic control systems including ramp meters, message signs, tunnel lane control, end of queue warning, and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Mainline Meter.
The software and hardware he developed for over 600 freeway ramp meters operating during the peak periods has been vital to managing congestion on San Francisco Bay Area freeways. This freeway mainline metering system – the only one in the world -- lessens severity of bottlenecks on the bridge and smooths the flow of traffic into San Francisco every day.
Mr. Coughlin’s software programs have been in operation in the field for over 30 years, working in the background supporting system performance monitoring and saving drivers many hours of delay.
The Karl Moskowitz Award annually recognizes contributions by Caltrans registered engineers to the field of transportation engineering. Mr. Moskowitz served as a Caltrans traffic engineer for 27 years. Much of his work in freeway design and traffic flow appeared at the outset of the Interstate highway program and was used extensively by planners and engineers nationwide, thus becoming the national standard.
Bimla G. Rhinehart Award
Albert Herrera
Caltrans Maintenance Manager II
District 11, Division of Maintenance

Albert Herrera has dedicated over 38 years to the State of California and its citizens. He is known for his passion and commitment to public service and safety.
Mr. Herrera’s leadership, innovations, and efficiencies have resulted in some of the best-maintained highways in the state, reducing delays to the traveling public and enhanced safety, especially in the underserved communities of eastern San Diego and Imperial counties.
Through his vision and commitment to well-maintained highways, he has been instrumental in significant contributions to include his implementation of innovative pavement preservation strategies, piloting several surface seal products, maintaining safety systems on the state highways, applying effective vegetation management strategies to help reduce wildland fires and responding to and assisting in the management of major emergencies impacting state highways.
He has forged relationships with CalFire and local fire districts to lead the way in fuel reduction efforts and worked in partnership with the CHP to ensure the safety of maintenance operations. He has demonstrated his commitment to serving the public with the goals of Safety, Preservation, and equitable Service to all.
The Bimla G. Rhinehart Award recognizes contributions to the transportation field by non-engineering Caltrans managers. This may include, but is not limited to, surveyors, architects, lawyers, planners, landscape architects, administrators, right-of-way agents, maintenance managers, rail, aeronautics, and mass transportation managers. Ms. Rhinehart was known across the state for her amazing ability to create strong relationships and partnerships that benefitted Californians and moved transportation projects forward. During her 27 years with the California Department of Transportation, she served as the Division Chief of Right of Way and Land Surveys, Acting Division Chief of Budgets, Deputy Director of External Affairs and Special Projects Manager. She also served as Executive Director of the California Transportation Commission and was a member of the Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee.
James E. Roberts Award
Dorie E. Mellon, PE
Senior Bridge Engineer
Accelerated Bridge Construction
Division of Engineering Services

Dorie Mellon is a nationally recognized Subject Matter Expert in the advancement of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC). Her primary focus has been mainstreaming ABC in California through outreach, development of planning tools, standardizing design, and construction details & practices. Dorie has also been responsible for identifying deployable research for the continued advancement of ABC in California and beyond.
Over the years, Dorie has embraced innovation wholeheartedly. She has worked with many design teams, pushing innovation, and changing deep-rooted culture, resulting in improved policies, standards and guidance for continual improvement. A few of the ABC projects where she has "broken the mold” and pushed innovative change are:
- Tex Wash Emergency Bridge Replacement
- North Fork Mill Creek Bridge Replacement
- Craig Creek Bridge Replacement
- Hardscrabble Creek Bridge Replacement
- Fort Goff Creek Bridge Replacement
- Laurel Street Overcrossing
- Route 46/99 Separation
- Echo Summit Sidehill Viaduct
Dorie has written and implemented the Caltrans ABC Strategic Plan, spearheaded the FHWA SHRP2 grant solicitation for the Fort Goff bridge replacement fish passage project, has written several ABC articles, and given numerous presentations at the State and National level. She has been recognized by ASPIRE concrete bridge magazine for her efforts.
Beyond her professional commitment to mainstream ABC, Dorie is passionate about improving quality of life in California and protecting the environment, which is very complementary to her professional career.
The James E. Roberts Award annually recognizes outstanding contributions by Caltrans registered engineers to the field of transportation structures. Mr. Roberts served as a structural engineer and manager for more than half a century, including 15 years as California’s State Bridge Engineer. He spearheaded Caltrans’ $4.5 billion seismic retrofit program and oversaw nearly $50 million in seismic research projects. He was named to the National Academy of Engineering in 1996, the only state-employed engineer to be so honored. Mr. Roberts retired in 2001 as Chief Deputy Director.
Karl Moskowitz Award
Dwarakeswar "Dwarak" Penubolu
Chief, Encroachment Permits Branch
HQ, Division of Traffic Operations

Dwarakeswar Penubolu has been a champion for highway and public utility infrastructure enhancement projects on the State Highway System (SHS). Throughout his career—and in his current role as the subject matter expert on Caltrans’ encroachment projects— his proactive and collaborative efforts have greatly influenced managing the co-existence of utility and highway infrastructure within the State right-of-way.
Dwarak initiated and led the development of Encroachment Permit Document Retrieval System (EPDRS) to provide a searchable digital library of more than 750,000 encroachment projects with secure online access to staff. The implementation of the EPDRS resulted in a 70% reduction in staff time as well as increased data quality and reliability.
In 2018, he initiated the migration of the encroachment program operations away from paper copies to a digital platform. By 2020, the effort culminated in a complete transition to a paperless environment, which enables the public to electronically submit, obtain, and coordinate most activities associated with the encroachment process.
Dwarak is also an active and regular participant with the Transportation Research Board in several capacities including the Standing Committee on Maintenance and Operations Management and the Standing Committee on Tort Liability and Risk Management. Additionally, he is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers for both professional and youth programs.
The Karl Moskowitz Award annually recognizes contributions by Caltrans registered engineers to the field of transportation engineering. Mr. Moskowitz served as a Caltrans traffic engineer for 27 years. Much of his work in freeway design and traffic flow appeared at the outset of the Interstate highway program and was used extensively by planners and engineers nationwide, thus becoming the national standard.
Charles H Purcell Award
Antonette Cuadra Clark
Office Chief - Office of Standards and Procedures
HQ, Division of Design

Throughout Antonette Clark’s 35-year career in Caltrans, her mission has been that of pioneering new ways of doing business by continuously improving project development and design guidance, procedures, and processes.
Antonette has led a multidisciplinary team to promote the concept of Design Flexibility. She rolled out an education campaign, Design Flexibility Roadshow, to promote and demonstrate the benefits of using design flexibility in engineering and design decisions to provide multi-modal transportation solutions for all travelers, not just motorists.
For the last 7 years, she has led numerous efforts to develop new and update existing project development and design guidance to incorporate and promote the selection of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. This has enabled Caltrans to achieve Complete Street solutions in highway projects.
She continuously demonstrates Caltrans’ core values through her interactions in orderto ensure all perspectives are heard. Antonette strives for all to have an equitable opportunity to share their needs, and she regularly seeks the “out of the box” idea. Antonette is not content with the status quo.
Whether it is creating design guidance to ensure modality, enhancing safety design criteria for workers, or providing designers the innovative guidance and tools to perform their jobs, Antonette continues to strive for the safest and most reliable transportation system for all people.
The Charles H. Purcell Award recognizes valued contributions by Caltrans engineering managers to the field of transportation engineering and transportation program management. Mr. Purcell served as California’s State Highway Engineer from 1928 to 1943 and as Director of Public Works until 1951. He established California’s extraordinary record of leadership and integrity in transportation engineering and guided the construction of the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge and the State Highway System.
Bimla G. Rhinehart Award
Stefan Galvez-Abadia
Division Chief
District 4, Division of Environmental Planning and Engineering

Stefan Galvez-Abadia is a dedicated team member working on some of District 4’s most challenging projects. He stepped in as the Environmental Manager of the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge (SFOBB) Project—the largest single project in Caltrans history— during the final phases of construction of the new east span and the dismantling of the original east span.
Stefan directly oversaw the demolition of the former east span. This included above-water demolition of the steel cantilever and superstructure, the unprecedented use of controlled implosions in the Bay to remove 18 underwater foundations, and the construction of two new world-class public open spaces built atop former bridge foundations. The California State Audit found that the use of controlled implosion to remove foundations was a central factor in helping the overall SFOBB Project reduce its schedule by 4 years, while saving the state $94 Million.
The final phase of the project involved the construction of two public access piers built atop former bridge foundations: the Bimla G. Rhinehart Vista Point and the Oakland Public Pier at John C. Sutter Regional Shoreline. These new public amenities delivered public Bay access to residents and visitors. Stefan played a critical role in developing the concept, building stakeholder consensus, and ultimately obtaining regulatory approvals to construct these public piers, from which the public will benefit for generations to come.
The Bimla G. Rhinehart Award recognizes contributions to the transportation field by non-engineering Caltrans managers. This may include, but is not limited to, surveyors, architects, lawyers, planners, landscape architects, administrators, right-of-way agents, maintenance managers, rail, aeronautics, and mass transportation managers. Ms. Rhinehart was known across the state for her amazing ability to create strong relationships and partnerships that benefitted Californians and moved transportation projects forward. During her 27 years with the California Department of Transportation, she served as the Division Chief of Right of Way and Land Surveys, Acting Division Chief of Budgets, Deputy Director of External Affairs and Special Projects Manager. She also served as Executive Director of the California Transportation Commission and was a member of the Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee.
Karl Moskowitz Award
Chuck Suszko, Chief, Office of Contracts
HQ, Division of Construction

Chuck Suszko has dedicated 37 years to the State of California. He is known for his passion and commitment to public service and safety and for being an outstanding engineer and exemplary leader.
Chuck is responsible for overseeing, monitoring and improving the construction contract administration processes and procedures for claims, change orders, dispute resolutions and the partnering program. His goal is to find mutually beneficial ways to improve construction efficiency for projects.
In addition, he led the implementation efforts to deliver three new safety improvements ̴ 10 MPH Speed Zone Reduction in Work Zones, End of Queue Monitoring and Warning, and use of Automated Flagger Assistance Devices. These construction traffic safety enhancements improve worker and traveler safety by reducing traffic speed, informing motorists of changeable traffic conditions, and automating flagging operations.
Chuck continues to serve as an inspiration to many and is widely respected by his peers, contractors, state agencies and organizations outside of Caltrans.
The Karl Moskowitz Award annually recognizes contributions by Caltrans registered engineers to the field of transportation engineering. Mr. Moskowitz served as a Caltrans traffic engineer for 27 years. Much of his work in freeway design and traffic flow appeared at the outset of the Interstate highway program and was used extensively by planners and engineers nationwide, thus becoming the national standard.
Charles H Purcell Award
John Liu, Deputy District Director
District 6, Maintenance & Operations

John has been a champion for traffic engineering at all levels in the State of California as a leader, teacher and advocate. He has been involved in all aspects of traffic engineering from the foundation of traffic investigation, to signing and striping plans, as well as signal timing and synchronization.
He was instrumental in developing and implementing the Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) process that was adopted statewide in 2013. Working closely with headquarters staff and national experts, John led the statewide training and support in the deployment of the ICE process. John’s efforts can be directly credited in reducing the number and severity of collisions.
He continues to pass on his institutional knowledge as a leader in intersection safety, advocate for active transportation efforts and instructor for both fellow practitioners and future traffic engineers.
John’s confident and diligent approach has earned the respect of stakeholders, the cooperation of our partners and the appreciation of the public.
The Charles H. Purcell Award recognizes valued contributions by Caltrans engineering managers to the field of transportation engineering and transportation program management. Mr. Purcell served as California’s State Highway Engineer from 1928 to 1943 and as Director of Public Works until 1951. He established California’s extraordinary record of leadership and integrity in transportation engineering and guided the construction of the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge and the State Highway System.
Bimla G. Rhinehart Award
Ronald Kosinski, Deputy District Director
District 7, Division of Environmental Planning

Ronald Kosinski’s legacy spans more than half a century. He is well-respected and an exemplary leader who has help deliver some of District 7’s most notable projects including the I-110 Transit-Way, the I-5 HOV Projects, the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Project, the Alameda Corridor East Grade Separation Project, the US-101 HOV and Bike Lane Project and the $1 billion HOV plan.
He has been instrumental in securing environmental clearance for many sensitive and complex projects. One of his more recent accomplishments was for the first ever wildlife crossing in Southern California. This achievement took years to navigate.
District 7 has multiple competing interests from political entities, to public voices, to environmental advocates. Ronald has a unique gift to understand and listen to all groups while advancing transportation projects that respect these differing viewpoints.
His knowledge of the environmental review process in transportation is unprecedented. His ability to navigate multiple bureaucratic processes to develop environmentally sound and prudent transportation projects is outstanding.
The citizens of LA and Ventura counties have benefited over the years from his leadership, expertise, and hard work. Ronald’s legacy will continue on for generations to come.
The Bimla G. Rhinehart Award recognizes contributions to the transportation field by non-engineering Caltrans managers. This may include, but is not limited to, surveyors, architects, lawyers, planners, landscape architects, administrators, right-of-way agents, maintenance managers, rail, aeronautics, and mass transportation managers. Ms. Rhinehart was known across the state for her amazing ability to create strong relationships and partnerships that benefitted Californians and moved transportation projects forward. During her 27 with the California Department of Transportation, she served as the Division Chief of Right of Way and Land Surveys, Acting Division Chief of Budgets and Deputy Director of External Affairs and Special Projects Manager. She also served as Executive Director of the California Transportation Commission and was a member of the Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee.
James E. Roberts Award
Darrell Beddard, Senior Bridge Engineer
HQ, Division of Engineering Services

Darrell Beddard, a Civil and Geotechnical Engineer, has dedicated more than 30 years to Caltrans. During this time, he worked on many high-profile projects, including the Gerald Desmond Bridge, the Seismic Retrofit of the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge and Replacement of the East Span, the Devil's Slide Tunnel Project and the BART Dublin-Pleasanton Extension Project.
He has demonstrated extensive experience in methods of technical analysis, project development, construction, departmental policies and procedures, supervision and contract management practices.
For 20 years, Darrell taught a Professional Engineer Review course in Soils and Geotechnical Engineering on behalf of American Society of Civil Engineers. Darrell has spoken at national conferences and served as an advisor for the Structure Construction Winter Training Program.
He is also an outstanding mentor to young engineers interested in the Geotechnical Engineering Profession. Darrell’s hard work, ethics, and technical expertise has proven himself as a tremendous asset to Caltrans and the public.
The James E. Roberts Award annually recognizes outstanding contributions by Caltrans registered engineers to the field of transportation structures. Mr. Roberts served as a structural engineer and manager for more than half a century, including 15 years as California’s State Bridge Engineer. He spearheaded Caltrans’ $4.5 billion seismic retrofit program and oversaw nearly $50 million in seismic research projects. He was named to the National Academy of Engineering in 1996, the only state-employed engineer to be so honored. Mr. Roberts retired in 2001 as Chief Deputy Director.
The Karl Moskowitz Award
Allen Chen Chief, Office of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
Caltrans District 7 Division of Operations

Allen Z. Chen brings many years of experience successfully managing multiple complex and innovative projects and has been at the forefront of the development and deployment of multiple ITS projects. Under his leadership, District 7 has implemented one of the largest Advanced Transportation Management Systems in the country. In implementing this system, Mr. Chen managed the planning, design and construction support of the Los Angeles Regional Transportation Management Center Project. These projects help reduce travel time for travelers, make for a smoother commute for motorists, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide transit parity to public transportation, and reduce impacts and duration of recurring and non-recurring congestion.
The Karl Moskowitz Award recognizes outstanding Caltrans engineers. Mr. Moskowitz served as a Caltrans traffic engineer for 27 years. Much of his work in freeway design and traffic flow was at the start of the Interstate Highway Program and was used extensively by planners and engineers nationwide.
The Charles H. Purcell Award
Jesse Bhullar Division Chief
Caltrans Division of Traffic Operations

Throughout his career, Jesse Bhullar’s mission in Caltrans has been to move Toward Zero Deaths on California’s public roadways. From his first assignment in District 10 where he managed the District Traffic Safety Program to his current position as the State Traffic Engineer, he has worked diligently to make the safety of the traveling public the Department’s No. 1 priority. In each of his roles over the last 30 years, he has found ways to make our roadways safer, better manage our assets and maximize the use of our limited resources. Through Mr. Bhullar’s efforts, he has been able to completely revamp the safety monitoring programs, the traffic safety investigation processes, the programming of millions of dollars of safety projects and setting the strategic vision for safety in California.
The Charles H. Purcell Award recognizes Caltrans engineering managers. Mr. Purcell served as California’s State Highway Engineer from 1928 to 1943 and as Director of Public Works until 1951. He established California’s extraordinary record of leadership and integrity in transportation engineering and guided the construction of the original San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and the State Highway System.
The Emerson Rhyner Award
Bruce April, Deputy District Director Environmental
Caltrans District 11

In partnership with SANDAG and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bruce April led an effort to develop and implement the San Diego region’s Environmental Mitigation Program (EMP), which provides funding to mitigate habitat impacts from regional and local transportation projects and provides funding for regional land management and biological monitoring. To date, 40 sites have been preserved, totaling 8,780 acres of land. The EMP is a major contributor for an evolving transportation system culture to bring more balanced relations between transportation and the environment. Under Mr. April’s leadership, the EMP not only streamlined delivery of critical transportation projects, it resulted in a net benefit to the environmental resources in the county.
The Emerson Rhyner Award recognizes non-engineering Caltrans managers for their contributions to transportation. Emerson Rhyner was Deputy Chief of the Division of Right of Way and the Legal Division for California’s Division of Highways in the early 1960s. His efforts as a Caltrans legislative liaison helped define the relationship between state and national interests and established the roles of state and local governments in the early days of freeway system development.
The James E. Roberts Award
Michael J. Lee, Senior Bridge Engineer
Caltrans Division of Maintenance, Structure Maintenance & Investigations

For nearly 30 years, Michael J. Lee has been the California Department of Transportation’s leading bridge design engineer in Structure Maintenance & Investigations (SM&I) producing bridge repairs in emergency situations and implementing cost-effective and innovative bridge maintenance, preservation and repair strategies to ensure the safety and dependability of California’s state highway bridge inventory. A nationally recognized engineering expert in the field of structural design, Mr. Lee has played a critical role in preserving more than 12,000 structures for the past three decades. Through his dedication, hard work, and understanding of bridge design specifications and their development, he has made sustained and outstanding contributions in advancing the knowledge and practice of bridge design engineering.
The James E. Roberts Award recognizes Caltrans' registered engineers' outstanding contributions in transportation structures. Mr. Roberts was a structural engineer and manager for more than half a century, including 15 years as California’s State Bridge Engineer. He spearheaded Caltrans’ $4.5 billion seismic retrofit program, oversaw nearly $50 million in seismic research projects and was the only state-employed engineer to be named to the National Academy of Engineering. He retired in 2001 as Chief Deputy Director.
The Karl Moskowitz Award
Rodney Oto, Senior Transportation Engineer
Caltrans District 4 Division of Operations

Rodney Oto pioneered the Bay Area’s ramp metering mass implementation in the 1980s, when public acceptance of ramp metering strategies was low. He worked to overcome that resistance and illustrated that freeway operations could be substantially improved through proper control of ramp volumes. He is one of a few elite traffic engineers in the nation with experience and knowledge in designing and operating toll bridge approaches and designing and operating FasTrak lanes. Rodney authored the original District 4 Ramp Metering Design Guidelines, which were the basis for Caltrans’ Statewide Ramp Metering Design Guidelines and Caltrans’ ramp metering policy and procedure.
The Karl Moskowitz Award recognizes outstanding Caltrans engineers. Mr. Moskowitz served as a Caltrans traffic engineer for 27 years. Much of his work in freeway design and traffic flow was at the start of the Interstate Highway Program and was used extensively by planners and engineers nationwide.
The Charles H. Purcell Award
Jesus Paez, Project Director
Caltrans District 8 Design

Jesus Paez has successfully pioneered a new way of doing business by managing multidisciplinary teams using innovative delivery methods to demonstrate their benefits and ultimately add more tools to Caltrans’ toolbox. Jesus’ approach to project delivery is the true innovation. He works diligently with stakeholders in a collaborative way that values their contributions and diverse views. Proof of the value of Jesus’ approach is the successful completion of the I-15/215 Devore Interchange design-build project on time, within budget, with no claims and with enthusiastic support from a community that was previously skeptical of the project.
The Charles H. Purcell Award recognizes Caltrans engineering managers. Mr. Purcell served as California’s State Highway Engineer from 1928 to 1943 and as Director of Public Works until 1951. He established California’s extraordinary record of leadership and integrity in transportation engineering and guided the construction of the original San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and the State Highway System.
The Emerson Rhyner Award
Coco Briseño, Deputy Director
Caltrans Planning and Modal Programs

Coco has tirelessly championed Enterprise Data Governance within Caltrans. Her leadership led to creating the Caltrans Geospatial Data Office, the newly formed Data Governance Council and Data Governance Board. Her contributions also include several transportation plans, and she was instrumental in negotiating the multi-state procurement of clean-burning diesel locomotives and rail cars for Caltrans. Coco oversaw development of program guidelines and delivery of SB 1 programs under Planning and Modal Programs, and the development and implementation of the Research Prioritization Methodology tool to prioritize research projects based on their strategic alignment with Caltrans Goals.
The Emerson Rhyner Award recognizes non-engineering Caltrans managers for their contributions to transportation. Emerson Rhyner was Deputy Chief of the Division of Right of Way and the Legal Division for California’s Division of Highways in the early 1960s. His efforts as a Caltrans legislative liaison helped define the relationship between state and national interests and established the roles of state and local governments in the early days of freeway system development.
Cris Rojas, Deputy Director
Caltrans Administration

Cris’ significant contribution to Caltrans’ workforce and organizational health includes restoring and reinvigorating components of Caltrans’ Workforce Planning program and Caltrans’ Diversity and Disability Awareness Day. In 2017, Cris received the Women in Transportation Society’s Rosa Parks Award for Diversity and Inclusion. Her idea to provide a workplace where all employees can grow resulted in the Caltrans Scholar Program, a plan to provide employer-funded AA degrees to Caltrans employees. Cris supported the launch of Caltrans’ Division of Safety and Management Services’ new mobile safety vans and Caltrans Career fairs across the state, which were attended by over 1,500 job seekers.
The Emerson Rhyner Award recognizes non-engineering Caltrans managers for their contributions to transportation. Emerson Rhyner was Deputy Chief of the Division of Right of Way and the Legal Division for California’s Division of Highways in the early 1960s. His efforts as a Caltrans legislative liaison helped define the relationship between state and national interests and established the roles of state and local governments in the early days of freeway system development.
The James E. Roberts Award
Ron Bromenschenkel, Senior Bridge Engineer
Caltrans Division of Engineering Services, Structure Policy & Innovation

Ron Bromenschenkel has demonstrated 30 years of sustained excellence in bridge design and earthquake engineering and has delivered more than 30 high-profile projects. Ron is nationally recognized as a subject matter expert in the design and development of seismically resilient bridge components and connections. Working with universities across the nation, Ron led multiple projects to develop seismically resistant connection details that allow Caltrans to use accelerated bridge construction methods. In 2014 Ron was asked to lead a seismic assessment of the Coronado San Diego Bay (Coronado) Bridge because of his expertise in designing and retrofitting complex long span bridges.
The James E. Roberts Award recognizes Caltrans' registered engineers' outstanding contributions in transportation structures. Mr. Roberts was a structural engineer and manager for more than half a century, including 15 years as California’s State Bridge Engineer. He spearheaded Caltrans’ $4.5 billion seismic retrofit program, oversaw nearly $50 million in seismic research projects and was the only state-employed engineer to be named to the National Academy of Engineering. He retired in 2001 as Chief Deputy Director.
The Karl Moskowitz Award
Sean Campbell, Senior Transportation Electrical Engineer (Specialist)
Caltrans Division of Research, Innovation and System Information

Sean has been a tireless champion for ensuring that Caltrans’ Intelligent Transportation System field elements are operating and well-maintained. Sean’s contributions have been crucial in enabling the traveling public to receive accurate, timely and reliable information about highway conditions and has allowed Caltrans to better manage the existing system by giving the Department the tools and information it needs to make more informed decisions. Sean is also one of the founders and key organizers for the Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum, an annual event that attracts participants from the western United States.
The Karl Moskowitz Award recognizes outstanding Caltrans engineers. Mr. Moskowitz served as a Caltrans traffic engineer for 27 years. Much of his work in freeway design and traffic flow was at the start of the Interstate Highway Program and was used extensively by planners and engineers nationwide.
The Charles H. Purcell Award
Adnan Maiah, Deputy District Director, Capital Outlay Support Program
Caltrans District 12

Adnan has dedicated more than a quarter of a century to strengthening the engineering profession by mentoring fellow engineers and playing a role in developing and implementing innovative transportation projects in Orange County. Throughout his career, Adnan has been a strong advocate for continued education of Orange County’s engineers. He leads a team of more than 350 engineers, technicians, environmental planners and administrators with a shared vision. Adnan’s expertise has been key in successfully delivering numerous high-profile and complicated projects in Orange County, including the first design-build project completed on an active California freeway.
The Charles H. Purcell Award recognizes Caltrans engineering managers. Mr. Purcell served as California’s State Highway Engineer from 1928 to 1943 and as Director of Public Works until 1951. He established California’s extraordinary record of leadership and integrity in transportation engineering and guided the construction of the original San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and the State Highway System.
The Emerson Rhyner Award
Clark Paulsen, Chief
Caltrans Division of Accounting

Clark understands all financial aspects of Caltrans’ complicated financial structure and establishes strong partnerships with local, state and federal agencies. His financial expertise, leadership, integrity and impeccable work ethic has earned the trust and respect of transportation stakeholders who have had the pleasure of working with him. Providing accurate and timely financial services and information are vital for projects needed to keep our transportation system safe, reliable and sustainable for the traveling public. Clark’s leadership has helped Caltrans ensure that transportation projects are delivered and fiscal accountability is maintained.
The Emerson Rhyner Award recognizes non-engineering Caltrans managers for their contributions to transportation. Emerson Rhyner was Deputy Chief of the Division of Right of Way and the Legal Division for California’s Division of Highways in the early 1960s. His efforts as a Caltrans legislative liaison helped define the relationship between state and national interests and established the roles of state and local governments in the early days of freeway system development.
The James E. Roberts Award
Dr. Lian Duan, Technical Specialist
Caltrans Division of Engineering Services

Dr. Duan’s contribution to California transportation is threefold: solving highly technical problems for the Seismic Retrofit Program; managing, editing and reissuing Caltrans’ Bridge Design Practice Manual; and providing tireless support for steel bridge-related innovations. Dr. Duan’s contribution to the field of structural engineering was recognized by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2001 with the coveted Arthur Wellington Prize. Leaders across the nation know Dr. Duan for providing thorough and expert comment, and he has proposed and guided research leading to time and material savings in seismic retrofit and to cost-effective seismic-resistant new steel bridge designs.
The James E. Roberts Award recognizes Caltrans' registered engineers' outstanding contributions in transportation structures. Mr. Roberts was a structural engineer and manager for more than half a century, including 15 years as California’s State Bridge Engineer. He spearheaded Caltrans’ $4.5 billion seismic retrofit program, oversaw nearly $50 million in seismic research projects and was the only state-employed engineer to be named to the National Academy of Engineering. He retired in 2001 as Chief Deputy Director.