E-76 Waiting List
E-76, formally called an "Authorization to Proceed", is a federal authorization of funds to establish the reimbursement date for a phase of work. A separate E-76 request is required for preliminary engineering (PE), right of way, utility relocation, and construction phases if federal funds are to be used in that phase of work.
This E-76 Waiting List provides the information for all waiting E-76s as well as E-76s obligated within last month. If you are looking for obligated E-76s since 2014 (01/01/2014--end of last month), please visit the following website at:
Two new dates were added into the report on 6/21/2017: "Initial Request Date" and "Completed Request Date". These two dates are the date of initial request received by district and the date of completed/full request package received by district. District Processing days is redefined as days between "Initial Request Date" and "date submitted to HQ".
The search function will not be available now.