Cooperative Work Agreement (CWA)
A Cooperative Work Agreement is an agreement between the State of California and a local agency which extends the budget authority life on local agency projects, but does not apply to the Timely Use of Funds (TUF) requirements and does not extend TUF deadlines (see HQ Timely Use of Funds Table (08/2023) or CTC Program Guidelines or Federal and State Programs). The extension of the budget authority is accomplished through the CWA process. Section 16304.3 of the California Government Code authorizes the Department of Finance (DOF) to approve a one-time extension of budget authority life no later than eight years from the date of original appropriation for all projects with Local Assistance funding. It is very important to provide timely information for CWA time extension requests. Therefore, it is vital to follow the CWA instructions found on this webpage. They will successfully guide you through the CWA process. Remember, there is no appeal process for denied CWA time extensions by DOF.
All projects using federal and/or state funds which pass through Local Assistance must be assigned budget authority to be eligible for reimbursement. When budget authority lapses, Local Program Accounting cannot reimburse invoices. Please see Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs (PDF) for additional information.
Please note: If budget authority lapses, and funding is consequently lost, failure to complete the project may result in the local agency having to repay any state or federal funds already reimbursed to the agency for the project.
Eligible Projects for CWA Cycle 21 - Lapsing June 30, 2024
- Federal Funded Projects (XLSX)
- State Funded Projects (XLSX)
- Federal STIP Projects (XLSX)
- Federal ATP Projects (XLSX)
- State ATP Projects (XLSX)
- SB1 ATP Projects (XLSX)
- Rail Projects (XLSX)
- State Administered Projects (XLSX)
- Congested Corridors Program Projects with Lapsing SB1 Funds
- Trade Corridor Enhancement Account Projects with Lapsing SB1 Funds
Approved by DOF
CWA Cycle Archives
If you have any questions, please email