Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Program(CFI)

Discretionary Grant Program


Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Program (CFI) ($2.5 billion):

Competitive grant program to strategically deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other alternative fueling infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors. At least 50 percent of this funding must be used for a community grant program where priority is given to projects that expand access to EV charging and alternative fueling infrastructure within rural areas, low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, and communities with a low ratio of private parking spaces. 


Competitive grant program to strategically deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other alternative fueling infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors. At least 50 percent of this funding must be used for a community grant program where priority is given to projects that expand access to EV charging and alternative fueling infrastructure within rural areas, low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, and communities with a low ratio of private parking spaces.



$2.5 billion (FY 22-26)

Eligible Projects

  • Acquisition and installation of publicly accessible EV charging or alternative fueling infrastructure
  • Operating assistance (for the first 5 years after installation)
  • Acquisition and installation of traffic control devices


Eligible Entities

  • State or political subdivision of a State
  • MPO
  • Local governments
  • Special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function
  • Indian Tribe
  • Territory


Other Key Provisions

  • Requirement to redesignate alternative fuel corridors and establish a process to regularly redesignate these corridors
  • Set-aside (50%) to install EV charging and alternative fueling infrastructure on public roads or in other publicly accessible locations, such as parking facilities at public buildings, schools, and parks

Below you will find more helpful documents and links:

For more information concerning this program contact:


Jimmy O’Dea

Assistant Deputy Director, Transportation Electrification

California Department of Transportation