Bridge Investment Program (BIP)
Bridge Investment Program (BIP) is a competitive, discretionary program that focuses on existing bridges to reduce the overall number of bridges in poor condition, or in fair condition at risk of falling into poor condition. It also expands applicant eligibilities to create opportunity for all levels of government to be direct recipients of program funds. Alongside states and federal lands management agencies, metropolitan planning organizations and local and tribal governments can also apply directly to FHWA, making it easier to advance projects at the local level that meet community needs.
Eligible Applicants:
- A State or a group of States.
- A metropolitan planning organization that serves an urbanized area (as designated by the Bureau of the Census) with a population of over 200,000.
- A unit of local government or a group of local governments.
- A political subdivision of a State or local government.
- A special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function.
- An FLMA.
- A Tribal government or a consortium of Tribal governments.
- A multistate or multijurisdictional group of entities described above. [§11118(a); 23 U.S.C. 124(d)]
Type of Awards:
- Large Bridge Projects - total eligible project costs >$100 million) [23 U.S.C. 124(a)(2)];
- Bridge Projects - total eligible project costs ≤ $100 million); and
- Planning Grants - (for planning, feasibility analysis, and revenue forecasting of a project that would subsequently be eligible to apply for BIP funding) [division J, title VIII, Highway Infrastructure Program heading, paragraph 4, second proviso]
Application Deadlines:
Fiscal Year BIP Funding |
Planning Application Deadline |
Bridge Project Application Deadline |
FY 2023 and 2024 |
February 19, 2024 |
March 19, 2024 |
FY 2025 |
October 1, 2024 |
November 1, 2024 |
FY 2026 |
October 1, 2025 |
November 1, 2025 |
Minimum Grant Size
- Requires a grant awarded under BIP to be at least–
- enough to fully fund the project (combined with other resources listed in the application); and
- $50 million (for “Large Bridge Projects”) or $2.5 million (for other “Bridge Projects”). [§11118(a); 23 U.S.C. 124(c)]
- There is no minimum size for planning grants.
Federal Share
Maximum Amount of the Grant
- Up to 50% for “Large Bridge Projects”; up to 80% for other BIP projects. [§11118(a); 23 U.S.C. 124(c)(3)]
- Up to 90% for off-system bridges [§11118(a); 23 U.S.C. 124(c)(4)(B)]
Awarded bridge/large bridge/planning grant recipients and map of locations.
Eligible Costs
- A grant received for an eligible project under BIP may be used for–
- a wide range of development phase activities (specified in statute);
- construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, acquisition of real property, environmental mitigation, construction contingencies, acquisition of equipment, and operational improvements directly related to improving system performance; and
- expenses related to the protection of a bridge, including seismic or scour protection. [§11118(a); 23 U.S.C. 124(h)]
Below you will find more helpful documents and links:
Resources and Information
Additional Information:
Grant Implementation
Please feel free to send comments regarding this web site to the DLA Webmaster.
For more information concerning this program contact:
Daniel Karavan
Emergency Relief and Other Federal Programs
Office of Federal Programs
Division of Local Assistance
California Department of Transportation
Mobile: (279) 599-2037