7.2 Product Requirements

7.2.1 Lead

All coating materials used on Caltrans equipment shall be lead-free, less than 300 parts per million (less than 0.03%) by mass of lead in the dried/cured finished coating. 

7.2.2 Hexavalent Chromium & Cadmium

All coating materials used on Caltrans equipment shall not contain hexavalent chromium or cadmium.

7.2.3 Durability Test Ratings Required for Liquid Coatings



Minimum Criteria

Film Hardness by Pencil Test

ASTM D-3363


Resistance of Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact)

ASTM D-2794

50 inch-pounds

Chip Resistance of Surface Coatings

SAE J-400

or ASTM 3170 equivalent

6B, topcoat and undercoat


ASTM D3363, Pencil Hardness Scale

6B - 5B - 4B - 3B - 2B - B - HB - F - H - 2H - 3H - 4H - 5H - 6H

Softer                                                                                    Harder

 SAE J400 Chip Ratings

Number Categories for Chip Ratings

Rating Number Number of Chips
10 0
9 1
 8  2-4
 7  5-9
 6  10-24
 5  25-49
 4  50-74
 3  75-99
 2  100-149
 1  150-250
 0  >250

Size Categories for Chip Ratings

Rating Letter Chip Sizes
A < 1 mm (approx. 0.03 in)
B 1-3 mm (approx. 0.03-0.12 in)
C 3-6 mm (approx. 0.12 - 0.25 in)
D >6 mm (approx. 0.25 in)

7.2.4 Durability Test Ratings Required for Powder Coatings



Minimum Criteria


Film Hardness by Pencil Test

ASTM D-3363


Mandrel Bend Test of Attached Organic Coatings  ASTM D-522 1/8 inch

Resistance of Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact)

ASTM D-2794

80 inch-pounds

Salt Spray

ASTM B-117

1000 hrs. Pass < 1/8” Scribe Creep

Water Resistance of Coatings in 100 % Relative Humidity  ASTM D-2247  1000 hrs. Pass < 1/8” Scribe Creep