Links to Resources
- General NEPA Links including the CEQ regulations, FHWA's implementing regulations, the FHWA Technical Advisory, and the FHWA Guidebook.
- Federal Requirements Decision Tree
- Lead Agency Decision Tree for FHWA or Caltrans (as Assigned) Actions
- Council of Environmental Quality, A Citizen's Guide to NEPA: Having Your Voice Heard, December 2007
- General CEQA links including the "unofficial" version of the complete CEQA statute and guidelines and links to the California State Clearinghouse
- CEQA Process Overview flowchart
- Department of Transportation Regulations to Implement CEQA, 21 CCR 1501 et seq.
Surface Transportation Reauthorizations
Purpose and Need
- General Purpose and Need links including FHWA's "Importance of Purpose and Need in Environmental Documents", FHWA's "Elements of Purpose and Need", FHWA's "Development of Logical Termini", Caltrans Purpose and Need Team Report, and Executive Order 13274 Purpose and Need Work Group Baseline Report
Project Alternatives
- General information on Project Alternatives