Public Outreach
Lesson Plans
Building the Upper Meyers Grade
Read about the historic process of designing and constructing the Upper Meyers grade.
Building Upper Meyers Grade (PDF)
The La Grange Mine: Changing the Landscape in the Quest for Gold
Gold mining is amongst the most important influences for settlement and economic development in California. Mitigation efforts associated with the Oregon Mountain Curve Correction Project in Trinity County included the development of educational materials about hydraulic mining. These lesson plans focus on the La Grange Historic Mine District, one of the thousands of properties and districts determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and California State Historical Landmarks. It was developed by the California Department of Transportation for use in the local schools.
Lesson Plans for grade 7 (PDF), teaching material is designed for junior high school students.
Lesson Plans for grade 12 (PDF), teaching material is designed for high school students.