Bridge Paint and Pavement Striping Paints

If there is a specification not listed here that you wish a copy of, contact the Chemical Testing Branch at

8010-004 (PDF)
(December 2009)
Specification for Glass Spheres (Beads) Supersedes 8010-004(Jan 2006), (Jan 2004), (Oct 1998) and 8010-21C-22
(February 2024)
Specification for Thermoplastic Traffic Striping Material, Alkyd Resin Binder, White and Lead-free Yellow SupersedesPTH02ALKYD (2016), PTH-02ALKYD (Jan 2009) (Sept 2006), 8010-19A and 8010-19
(February 2024)
Specification for Thermoplastic Traffic Striping Material, Hydrocarbon Resin Binder, White and Lead-free Yellow Supersedes PTH-02HYDRO (Feb 2006) (Jan 2002), 8010-01B, 8010-01A and 8010-01
(February 2024)
Specification for Sprayable Thermoplastic Traffic Striping Material, White and Lead-free Yellow Supersedes PTH02SPRAY(2016), PTH-02SPRAY (Feb 2009) (Oct 2006), PTH 392B and PTH 392A
Thermoplastic Miscellaneous Requirements (PDF)
(November 2017)
Thermoplastic quality assurance and delivery requirements
(April 2023)
Specification for Paint, Waterborne Traffic Line, White, Yellow and Black Supersedes PTWB-01R2 (Jun 2022), PTWB-01R2 (Aug 18), PTWB-01R2(Mar 10), PTWB-01R1(Oct 09), PTWB-01(Feb 06), PTWB-01(Dec 2003), (Sept 2002), (Sept 2001), 8010-20B and 8010-20A
Traffic Marking Guide (PDF)
(October 2019)
Guideline for selecting materials and Standard Special Provisions for traffic striping and pavement marking Supersedes traffic marking guide (December 2011)
PWB 145F (PDF)
(May 2023)
Red Primer Paint Supersedes all previous revisions
PWB 146F (PDF)
(May 2023)
Pink Primer Paint Supersedes all previous revisions
PWB 161A (PDF)
(March 2017)
Non-leafing Aluminum Finish Paint, Waterborne Acrylic Latex Vehicle Supersedes PWB 159C and 159D
PWB 162A (PDF)
(March 2017)
Leafing Aluminum Finish Paint, Waterborne Acrylic Latex Vehicle Supersedes PWB 160E and PWB 160F
PWB 174A (PDF)
(January 2007)
White Tintable Finish Paint Supersedes PWB 164B
PWB 168D (PDF)  Copper Color Finish Paint, Waterborne Acrylic Latex Vehicle Supersedes PWB 168 C
PWB 169F (PDF)
(April 2008)
Iridescent Green Finish Paint, Waterborne Acrylic Latex Vehicle Supersedes PWB 169D, 169C and 169B
PWB 170B (PDF)
(August 2002)
Metallic Gold Finish Paint, Waterborne Acrylic Latex Vehicle Supersedes PWB 170A
PWB 171C (PDF)
(February 2023)
Light Green Finish Paint, Waterborne Acrylic Latex Vehicle Supersedes PWB 171A, 171B and 163C
PWB 172C (PDF)
(February 2023)
Dark Green Finish Paint, Waterborne Acrylic Latex Vehicle Supersedes PWB 172A, 172B and 163C
PWB 175C (PDF)
(February 2023)
Coronado Light Blue Finish Paint Waterborne Acrylic Latex/FEVE Blend Vehicle Supersedes PWB 175B
PWB 176C (PDF)
(September 2023)
Coronado Dark Blue Finish Paint Waterborne Acrylic Latex/FEVE Blend Vehicle Supersedes PWB 176B
PWB 182B (PDF)
(February 2023)
Dark Green Finish Paint Waterborne Acrylic Latex/FEVE Blend Vehicle Supersedes PWB 182A
PWB 181B (PDF)
(February 2023)
Light Green Finish Paint Waterborne Acrylic Latex/FEVE Blend Vehicle Supersedes PWB 181A
PB 201C (PDF)
(December 2018)
Red Primer, High Solids Phenolic Type Supersedes PB 201 B
PB 202C
Pink Primer, High Solids Phenolic Type Supersedes PB 202 B
8040-41A-15 (PDF) Asphaltic Emulsion Inductive Loop Sealant Supersedes Specifications dated prior to 09/06/2001
8030-61J-01 (PDF) Two Component, Machine Mixed Sealant Supersedes Specifications dated prior to 10/05/2005