CEM 4904 and CEM 4905 Description
Caltrans authorization for Using the Internet Extra Work Bill System Form CEM-4904 authorizes the contractor to have access to the internet Extra Work Billing System (iEWB) for a specific contract. Form CEM-4904 is completed by the resident engineer (RE). The RE is responsible in providing the prime contractor and subcontractor markups per the contract documents. Caltrans will assign EWB roles to users/authorized personnel as defined on page two of form CEM-4904. The RE understands that users listed on the form must be trained before using the system. After form CEM-4904 has been completed the form is sent with the completed form CEM-4905 to the appropriate district iEWB administrator by the RE for processing. Form CEM-4904 should be completed before or at the Pre-Job Meeting and will become part of the construction file.
Contractor Authorization to Use Internet Extra Work Bill System Form CEM-4905 is Caltrans' contractor authorization form and is submitted to the resident engineer by the prime contractor. The Prime Contractor or the Managing Partner of a Joint Venture contract fills out form CEM-4905. For a joint venture contract, only one role of “Contractor” can be assigned. Therefore, the designated managing partner will have the role of “Contractor” and the non managing partners of a joint venture will have the role of “EWB Entry”. Information needed include list of personnel, including subcontractors, authorized to access the contract and their role assignment. Completed form should be sent to the RE for review. The RE reviews for completeness of requested information on Form CEM-4905 received from the Contractor. If a User listed on the CEM-4905 has not used the iEWB system before, the new User will be required to attend training on how to use the system. After completion of training, a user account is created and a system generated e-mail notification will be sent to the new user with login information that includes username, password and database. Form CEM-4905 MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH CONTRACT in order for the contract to be added/assigned to a user account. A contract cannot be added to an existing user account WITHOUT an RE assigned to the contract. Another form, “Caltrans Authorization For Using Internet Extra Work Billing System” (CEM-4904), is filled out by the RE assigned to the contract. Both forms, CEM-4904 and CEM-4905, should be completed before or at the Pre-Job Meeting, will become part of the construction file and will be sent to the appropriate district iEWB administrator by the RE. The appropriate district iEWB administrator will add/assign the contract, create a new user account if needed, and provide training information to users.