
Desktop Portal - Register and Access e-Ticketing Information

To access the Caltrans Portal, contact your Resident Engineer or designated personnel. For guidance on using the portal, visit HaulHub University for training resources. Note: a separate HaulHub University account must be created via the "sign-up" tab.

What is e-Ticketing? 

An electronic, paperless process for tracking, documenting, and archiving material information, accessible in real-time through an application on mobile devices. E-Ticketing is collection of weight tickets electronically via an app on a smartphone instead of collecting them on paper, as the Caltrans inspector currently does, for hot mix asphalt, ready-mix concrete, and aggregates. The Department uses software by a company named Haulhub that allows for a portal to place, organize and query all the data where the app communicates the info directly or via an API connection, if needed. The Department uses E-DOT software (previously known as DOTSlip) and contractors may use JOBSlip software from Haulhub, or another software of choice with reliability to communicate to the portal via an API connection. The app and portal allow for real-time electronic info, that is, once the plant prepares the material quantity and loads it, the load’s details become immediately available on the app for all stakeholders such as contractor personnel, suppliers, state inspectors, RE, ARE and consultants to view. Such items of viewing include when it was loaded, material weight and quantity, and when it was delivered.

Workers paving the highway with hot mix asphalt

e-Ticketing Benefits - Saves Lives, Time, and Money

Streamlined Information

  1. Eliminates lost tickets, daily tabulations, paper records and archiving
  2. Readily/instantly available data for traceability and queries/searches

Accuracy, Timeliness, and Quality

  1. “Real-time” data capture and tracking
  2. “Real-time” verification of materials weights and quantities
  3. Able to view tickets at any internet accessible location as well as synchronization of the tickets at inaccessible for later viewing
  4. Allows for inclusion of additional data not on the paper ticket

Work Zone Safety

  1. Will eliminate project standing staff standing near delivery trucks and the need to take tickets from drivers
  2. Provides advance notification to all state inspectors and other stakeholders of material load deliveries in construction work zones


  1. Reduced workload for inspectors
  2. Expedites contractor pay
  3. Advanced review of delivery tickets for real-time operational decisions
  4. No more storing boxes of paper tickets, manual scanning paper ticket
  5. File daily ticket summary to FalconDMS
  6. Capture material placement location information
  7. Link to Digital As-Built database

Truck and paving machine

Pilot Program

  1.  Completed Phase 1 of piloting
  • 12 projects total for HMA only, using Haulhub’s DOTSlip and Command Alkon’s Connex software products (completed 3/2023)
  1. Completed phase 2 of piloting (completed 2/2025)
  • Phase 2 - pilot approximately 20 new projects for HMA, Concrete, and Aggregates mainly using Haulhub’s DOTSlip mobile app and central portal, continuing development of specification and change order for construction projects (5/2023-2/2025). We will always continue to explore the opportunity to partner and work with other software developers in order to expand our testing efforts across multiple platforms in the e-Ticketing pilot program. 

Phase 2 Selection Criteria: 

  1. Project has a pay item with least one of the e-Ticketing material items: HMA, Concrete, & Aggregates
  2. Project Size: Minimum $1 million with reasonable e-Ticketing material quantity.
  3. Duration: Prefer projects with 60 to 240 working days.
  4. Location/connectivity: Within a cell coverage area to be able to access e-Ticket live.
  • Phase 3 current phase – finalize selection of vendor’s software and mobile app of choice for Caltrans (4/1/2024 – 6/30/2025) and pilot construction contracts with nonstandard specification and specials notice included for bidding purposes (3/2025-03/2026) 

    Haulhub’s E-DOT software is chosen based on extensive analysis and piloting as described in the first two phases.

    Phase 3 will effectively pilot approximately 18 construction projects (at least one project in each district) during 2025 with an approved special notice and approved nonstandard special provision, which will be incorporated into the 18 projects during the design phase for bidding purposes. There is no bid item for e-Ticketing as it generally has no cost or has negligible cost that may be placed in other bid items as best determined by bidders. The only cost to the construction contractor will be for the software JOBSlip (purchased through Haulhub) or other software that may connect to JOBSlip via an API, if the bidder doesn’t already have access to such software for use. State staff will use E-DOT software (previously known as DOTSlip) to monitor e-Ticketing information in real-time and connect to the e-Ticketing information portal. Division of Construction (Headquarters) will monitor use of the software and accuracy of material weight payments at the project level to measure success of the pilots.

    Haulhub will present training for use of their software in an approximate 1-hour meeting prior to the pre-construction meeting for each pilot construction project successfully awarded. Suppliers as well as subcontractors are encouraged to attend and ask questions. Although e-Ticketing use for material weight payments will be mandatory on these projects, paper tickets will also be collected, to ensure accurate material weight payments in the pilot and as a compare measure to monitor success of the piloted construction contracts. 
  • Phase 4 - implement e-Ticketing Statewide with standard and specification (2027)

Overhead image of workers paving the highway

Team Contacts

Nagra.Sukhdeep@dot.ca.gov Team Leader (lead for IT issues) 916-591-3953

Perry.Mayer@dot.ca.gov Team Leader (lead for specification and change order issues) 916-764-9656 or 916-879-8870

Haitham.AlShammari@dot.ca.gov (MPQP issues) 279-220-0741

Team Manager Contacts

Joseph.Dongo@dot.ca.gov 916-956-3628

Jonathan.Yeo@dot.ca.gov 916-764-6850


For additional information, see Haulhub’s website: https://www.haulhub.com/caltrans/