Chapter 3: General Provisions, Section 0: Introduction

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Published Date: July 2019

Section 0 Introduction

3-001 Scope

Each section in this chapter of the Construction Manual corresponds to one of the first nine “General Provisions” sections of the Standard Specifications. This chapter contains guidelines and procedures for administering these sections of the Standard Specifications. The chapter also includes guidelines and procedures for topics within the scope of the Standard Specifications sections, but not specifically covered by them.

3-002 Purpose

This chapter offers guidelines and procedures for uniform enforcement and administration of contracts that adhere to the "General Provisions" sections of the Standard Specifications.

As with the entire manual, this chapter is not part of the contract and places no burden or obligation on the contractor. It is not a substitute for reading and understanding the General Provisions. It is, however, necessary reading for resident engineers and others who assist and support them in contract administration. This chapter answers many frequently asked questions about the procedures for administering contracts.