Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

The California Department of Transportation is responsible for ensuring that all persons, including LEP persons are provided equal access to its available services and information. The Department is committed to ensuring that all of its programs and services are accessible to its LEP customers in compliance with the Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act and Executive Order 13166. This includes, but is not limited to, providing resources, including bilingual staff, interpreters, and translated materials to ensure that information and services will be made available in the languages readily understood by all Caltrans customers.

How to Assist LEP Customers

To ensure Caltrans is in compliance with Presidential Executive Order 13166 Improving Access to Services for Persons With Limited English Proficiency, Caltrans has certified and volunteer staff to interpret and translate.


For information or guidance on how to file a complaint, or obtain more information regarding LEP, please contact the Title VI Branch Manager at (916) 639-6392

Language Access Plan

The Language Access Plan (LAP) is a departmental plan that provides guidance to Caltrans staff on how to address Caltrans' limited English proficient (LEP) customers. The LAP addresses LEP customers when Caltrans engages in public outreach events or meetings, with regard to Caltrans' publicly available information, and when LEP customers contact Caltrans. The LAP also details Caltrans' resources dedicated to supporting LEP customers including the Assistive Services Language, LanguageLine Solutions, and the Caltrans Volunteer Bilingual List, which are listed below. Caltrans staff should read the LAP and become familiar with procedures, practices, and resources for accommodating Caltrans LEP customers.


LEP Contact

Glenda Collins
(916) 639-6392