Caltrans Transition Plan
Caltrans is committed to bringing its entire infrastructure into compliance with state and federal ADA standards.
The United States Congress understood that it would be an insurmountable financial burden for a public agency to make all of the infrastructure they were responsible for accessible within a short time frame. As a result, public agencies are permitted to transition into full compliance through an ADA Transition Plan that identifies physical access barriers and proposes a schedule for removal of those barriers based on the financial abilities of the agency.
In compliance with Title 28 of Federal Regulations Part 35.150(d), Caltrans is developing a Transition Plan that documents the legal requirements and Caltrans’ functional goals and objectives to make pedestrian facilities within Caltrans’ right-of-way accessible and usable for persons with disabilities. This Transition Plan will be used to guide the planning, programming and implementation needed to make Caltrans’ facilities ADA compliant.
The Caltrans 2024 ADA Transition Plan was available for public comments which concluded on November 3, 2024. Survey results and comments were considered in finalizing the ADA Transition Plan.