Completed Workshop Summaries and Survey

Goals and Objectives Workshop December 2016

Workshop Purpose

The workshop built agreement on shared transportation objectives and the relative priority of these objectives as a component of the TAMP. TheGoals and Objectives Workshop on December 15, 2016, brought together a cross section of stakeholders to work together in an interactive strategic session that provided the foundation for the development of the TAMP. This workshop focused on the following topics:

  • Overview of the TAMP requirements
  • Identify and prioritize transportation objectives
  • Collaboratively discuss specific goals and objectives to include in the TAMP
  • Determine ways to measure progress towards achieving our goals
  • Align the activities of the stakeholders

Workshop Summary(includes PowerPoint, workshop material)

Risk Management Workshop April 2017

Workshop Purpose

California's TAMP will include considerations of risk in determining the priorities for investments in our actions and in determining actions to improve our TAM programs. TheRisk Management Workshop on April 19, 2017brought together a cross section of stakeholders to work together to develop a risk register and to prioritize risk-mitigation actions. The workshop included a collective understanding of California's transportation asset-related risks including:

  • Risks associated with current and future environmental conditions such as climate change, extreme weather, and seismic activity
  • Financial risks such as budget uncertainty
  • Operational risks such as asset failure
  • Strategic risks such as organizational compliance

Workshop Summary(includes PowerPoint, workshop material)

Financial Plan & Investment Strategies Workshop - June 2017

Workshop Purpose

A financial plan and investment strategies are required elements of the federal Moving Ahead for Progress and Fixing America's Surface Transportation legislation. California's TAMP will include a financial plan which summarizes current and future funding sources and uses, and outlines projected financial constraints. The TAMP will also include investment strategies for delivering asset performance given available funds combined with agency goals and objectives.The Financial Plan & Investment Strategies Workshop on June 14, 2017brought together a cross section of stakeholders. The workshop focused on the following topics:

  • Develop a common understanding of FHWA requirements for TAMP financial plans and investment strategies
  • Review funding assumptions for California's roads and bridges on the NHS
  • Review projections of future asset conditions
  • Determine how best to project conditions and funding levels for NHS assets owned by Caltrans and other agencies
  • Determine asset investment priorities

Workshop Summary(includes PowerPoint, workshop material)

TAMP Stakeholder Survey July 2017

Survey Purpose

To help set targets, Caltrans has held a couple of workshops for the TAMP that included stakeholder input. On July 5, 2017, a follow-up survey was sent to stakeholders to provide Caltrans initial feedback on the establishment of regional performance targets.

The purpose of this survey was to conduct additional stakeholder participation that will facilitate the final development of statewide average performance targets.

TAMP Target Setting Workshop August 2017

Workshop Purpose

Pursuant to the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), Caltrans is tasked with the development of a risk-based TAMP that covers a ten year period. As part of the federal rule, Caltrans must coordinate with the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and relevant other stakeholders that will assist in the establishment of performance targets for NHS pavement and bridges to be included in the California TAMP.

To help set these targets, Caltrans has held a couple of workshops for the TAMP that included stakeholder input. A follow-up survey has also been sent to the stakeholders to provide Caltrans initial feedback on the establishment of regional performance targets.The Target Setting Workshop/Webinar on August 24, 2017brought together a cross section of stakeholders to help facilitate the final development of statewide average performance targets. The workshop focused on the following topics:

  • Develop a common understanding of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirements for Bridge and Pavement Target Setting
  • Share where we are in the process of developing the California Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP)
  • Discuss results of the Initial Survey for the National Highway System Pavement and Bridges Owned by Local Agencies
  • Present proposed statewide target setting approach

Workshop Materials

Building the California TAMP Workshop September 2017

Workshop Purpose

The Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) will allow California to maximize results by managing the life-cycle of transportation assets strategically to minimize costs and manage risks. It will provide a framework for understanding performance gaps, prioritizing actions to address the gaps, and establishing business processes that streamline asset management activities. It will also allow us to meet both federal and state legislative requirements.

Caltrans and its regional partners have worked together through a series of workshops to make decisions on the California TAMP. This has included developing strategies and candidate improvements to support transportation goals and objectives, developing a risk register, and determining financial scenarios related to asset condition targets. One of the key concluding steps in developing the California TAMP is to define the organizational and process improvements necessary to further strengthen TAM practice. The Building the California TAMP Workshop held on September 21, 2017brought together a cross section of TAM stakeholders for this purpose, with a focus on the major accomplishments of the TAMP development effort and the gaps and other issues still outstanding. The workshop focused on the following topics:

  • Present the components of the TAMP and provide an overview of how each was developed
  • Discuss outstanding/open issues and collect stakeholder input on resolving these issues
  • Develop/finalize improvement initiatives
  • Compose the TAMP story with a focus on the Executive Summary

Workshop Materials