2016 SHOPP Multi-Objective Prioritizations
Currently, Caltrans project selection is based on prior allocations to single program element components, like bridge, pavement or a culvert. Selections are not considered across asset type, conditions, performance or across department goals and objectives. Agency and Department overarching goals and objective, like sustainability, system performance and economy have historically not been tied to project selection. Our investments need to be traceable and aligned to these goals and objectives. A new business process and methodology will improve the transparency, effectiveness and efficiency of project selections across multiple assets. This is one of the motivation for the Department to adapt the principles of Transportation Asset Management and develop an improved and transparent project selection.
Caltrans has continued to develop and refine the Multi-Objective Decision Analysis (MODA) based approach for prioritizing projects within the SHOPP. The recently completed SHOPP Asset Management Pilot Program demonstrates this approach to prioritizing projects within the SHOPP. The prioritization methodology will be further evaluated by external decision analysis experts and the Transportation Asset Management Advisory Committee (TAMAC). The feedback from these two reviews will be used to further refine the approach and to prepare for regional workshops to present the revised approach.