Acquisition and Development Grant

The Acquisition and Development (A&D) Grant Program is a biennial, two-year program providing state grants to eligible, publicly owned, public-use airports for planning, construction, and land acquisition. Projects funded from this program must be included in the current Capital Improvement Plan.

The A&D Program is funded by the Aeronautics Account in the State Transportation Fund.  It is prepared in accordance with California Public Utilities Code (PUC), Sections 21683 and 21706.  Local agency project requests are categorized and ranked based on criteria set by the California Transportation Commission (Commission).  Eligible project categories include enhancing safety, capacity, and security, as well as preparing Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans (ALUCP).

A&D projects are State funded at 90 percent of the total project cost with a 10 percent local match required.

Section 4061 of the California Aid to Airports Program (CAAP) defines eligible projects for the A&D Program.

Pursuant to PUC, Sections 21681-21684 and Section 4064 of the CAAP Regulations, the A&D application must include:

  • Completed Form DOA-0010 - Acquisition and Development Grant Application (PDF)
  • Completed Form DOA-0007 - CAAP Certification (PDF)
  • Local Government approval (A&D Match Resolution or minute order - Sample (PDF) as described in CAAP Regulations, Section 4064
  • Federal Aviation Administration documentation regarding the sponsor’s submission of Federal form(s), when applicable
  • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation (Note: National Environmental Policy Act clearance does not satisfy CEQA requirements)
  • Most recently FAA approved ALP with project information or project sketch, if no ALP exists.
  • Project cost estimate
  • Additional documentation may be requested if the Department determines that further information is required to sufficiently evaluate the project for funding.

Please submit your application and supporting documentation to: