Caltrans News Flash #192 - Pre-emptive Road Closures in Burn Scar Areas


District: District 10 - Stockton
Contact: Thomas Lawrence
Phone: (209) 948-7911
Contact: Tamie McGowen
Phone: (916) 657-5060

STOCKTON — Caltrans, the National Weather Service (NWS) and several other agencies and partners are teaming up to bring a proactive approach to weather forecasting and its impact on California's transportation network.

Caltrans District 10 (Stockton) and the NWS Hanford office in Central California are co-piloting the "Prepare Program" in Mariposa County. This program calls for pre-emptive closures of State Route 140 in the area of the Ferguson Fire burn scar when there is heavy rain forecasted over the course of multiple hours in this region. The program can be used in other areas of the state that are impacted by weather.

This area is specifically susceptible to mudslides and debris flow, and these closures are being done for the sake of public safety.

Caltrans News Flash 192

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