District: District 12 - Orange County
Contact: Van Nguyen
Phone: (714) 659-2821
Contact: Tamie McGowen
Phone: (916) 657-5060
SANTA ANA - Caltrans has announced that the California Transportation Commission (CTC) approved funding for more than 100 transportation projects funded entirely or at least partly by $690 million from Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.
"These projects are a just a small portion of the key improvements we need to maintain California’s critical transportation infrastructure. Throughout the state, projects like these are being completed through SB 1 investments."
The CTC also approved more than $1.3 billion in funding toward nearly 150 transportation projects for additional maintenance, improvements and construction throughout California.
Most of the projects receiving funding allocations are part of the State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP), which is the state highway system’s "fix-it-first" program that funds safety improvements, emergency repairs, highway preservation and some operational highway improvements. While funding for this program is a mixture of federal and state funds, a significant portion comes from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account created by SB 1. Caltrans will focus on repairing and rehabilitating the state highway system by improving pavement, bridges, culverts and intelligent transportation systems, which are included in the performance requirements of SB 1.
Other projects include ones from the SB 1-created Solutions for Congested Corridor, Trade Corridor Enhancement and Local Partnership Programs. These vital programs tackle congestion, support valuable trade corridors and bolster local agency efforts to invest in transportation. Furthermore, the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program, which funds projects to modernize transit systems, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve safety, was allocated more than $122 million in SB 1 dollars for 11 rail and transit projects.
Area projects receiving funding include:
Approved Funding for Caltrans District 12 - August, 2018
- Orange 55, 91 & 405 Bridge Seismic Restoration Project: $24.2 million bridge project will revamp the State Route 55/SR-73 Connector Overcrossing Bridge in the city of Costa Mesa, the Carmenita Road Pedestrian Overcrossing Bridge on SR-91 in the city of Cerritos, and the Laguna Canyon Road Overcrossing Bridge on Interstate 405 in the city of Irvine in Orange County. This bridge projection was allocated more than $1 million due to SB 1.
- Buena Park School District Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Improvements: This project was allocated $75,000 from the SB 1 funded Active Transportation Program to identify improvements around six elementary schools and their bus stops. It includes the design of sidewalk improvements, ADA ramps, pavement markings and signage that will encourage biking and walking to schools, while increasing safety and mobility for non-motorized travelers. This project was allocated $75,000 due to SB 1.
- #Electrify Anaheim: Changing the Transit Paradigm in Southern California: $28.6 million project will procure ten six-passenger electric vehicles, support signage, and mobile app development to operate a new transportation system with fixed and flexed routes and on-demand service in Downtown Anaheim. This project was allocated $802,000, $447,000 in funding was due to SB 1.
- Southern California Optimized Rail Expansion (SCORE): $6.5 million project allocation will include an environmental assessment and software modeling that will enable 90-minute service patterns on the San Bernardino, Orange and Ventura lines. This project was allocated $3.5 million due to SB 1 from the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program.
Final List of Projects Receiving Allocations (SB 1 funding sources highlighted)
The Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB 1), the landmark transportation infrastructure bill signed by Governor Brown in April 2017, invests $54 billion over the next decade to fix roads, freeways and bridges in communities across California and puts more dollars toward transit and safety. These funds will be split equally between state and local investments.
Caltrans is committed to conducting its business in a fully transparent manner and detailing its progress to the public. For complete details on SB 1, visit http://www.rebuildingca.ca.gov/.