State Route 58 Truck Climbing Lane
Project Information
Caltrans, in partnership with the Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG), is proposing a project that would improve traffic flow and commuter travel and move freight more efficiently along a section of State Route 58 with a steep grade in Kern County between the city of Tehachapi and the city of Bakersfield. Commercial trucks make up more than one third of the total traffic volume along the State Route 58 interregional corridor. Truck speeds frequently drop 30 miles per hour or more below the posted speed limit in the steeper sections of this corridor. This drop in truck speed results in reduced speeds for all eastbound traffic creating increased congestion and inefficient traffic flow. The State Route 58 Truck Climbing Lane Project proposes to address the most critical section of State Route 58 through the Tehachapi Mountains by constructing a 12-foot-wide eastbound truck climbing lane from approximately 0.8 miles east of the junction with State Route 223 to 0.4 miles west of Hart Flat Road.
Additional project features include:
- Restriping of the intersection with Bealville Road to provide an eastbound acceleration lane
- Removal of the Bena Road at-grade intersection to eliminate conflicts with traffic entering or exiting SR 58
- Increasing inside and outside shoulder widths
- Drainage improvements
- Culvert enhancement to improve wildlife connectivity
- Guardrail and signage upgrades
- Addition of rumble strips
- Relocation of lighting at Bealville Road and State Route 58
Project Map
Environmental Document
The Final Environmental Document for the State Route 58 Truck Climbing Lane Project is now available for public review upon request.
To obtain a copy of the Final Environmental Document:
- Request by Mail: Caltrans District 9, c/o Jeremy Milos, 500 S. Main Street, Bishop CA 93514
- Request by Email.
Project Cost
Project Timeline
Project Schedule (Subject to Change):
March 21, 2023: Circulate DED
April 11, 2023: Online Public Meeting
May 2026: Right of Way Certification
May 2026: Ready to List
October 2026: Advertise
February 2027: Begin Construction
For More Information
Jeremy Milos, Project Manager, 760-874-8633
Michael Lingberg, Public Information Officer, 760, 920-0280
Title VI
For Title VI information, click here: Caltrans Title VI